

责编:邓淇文 2023-06-30


Carmaking: Great wheels from China


出处:The Economist《经济学人》

字数:677 words

[1] If fresh evidence were needed of the importance of China to the global car industry, the Shanghai motor show, which opened on April 18th, provides it. The world’s other big jamborees have been permanently cancelled or downgraded, but China’s showcase has attracted 1,000 exhibitors from many countries with 100 new models on show.



jamboree /ˌdʒæmbəˈriː/ n. 大型聚会

permanently /ˈpɜːmənəntli/ adv. 永久地

downgrade /ˌdaʊnˈɡreɪd/ v. 使降级

[2] Only a few years ago Chinese cars were poorly designed and shoddily put together. Today they are mostly as good as foreign ones in both respects, and surpass them in the software-driven digital experience that will define car brands in the future. Yet for the world as a whole, the rise of Chinese cars will be more significant still. To curb global warming, it is essential to replace carbon-spewing petrol-powered vehicles with cleaner battery-powered ones. And China is both the world’s biggest market for, and maker of, electric vehicles (EVs).



shoddily /ˈʃɒdəli/ adv. 粗制滥造地

surpass /səˈpɑːs/ v. 超过

curb /kɜːb/ v. 遏制

carbon-spewing /ˈkɑːbən/ /spjuːɪŋ / 碳排放

petrol-powered /ˈpetrəl/ /ˈpaʊəd/ 汽油驱动

battery-powered /ˈbætri//ˈpaʊəd/ 电池驱动


Today they are mostly as good as foreign ones in both respects, and surpass them in the software-driven digital experience that will define car brands in the future.


主句:Today they are mostly as good as foreign ones in both respects

并列句:and surpass them in the software-driven digital experience

定语从句:that will define car brands in the future

[3] Vehicles powered by internal combustion have been a great success story over the past century, bringing mobility to the masses and fat profits to shareholders. A handful of giant carmakers have made steady improvements to their products and assembled ever more complex supply chains spread across the globe. This has brought greater comfort and safety to passengers, as well as low prices. Competition from Japanese carmakers (which roared into the fast lane in the 1970s) and South Korean firms (which did so in the 1990s) spurred innovation worldwide.



internal /ɪnˈtɜːn(ə)l/ adj. 内部的

combustion /kəmˈbʌstʃən/ n. 燃烧

steady /ˈstedi/ adj.(发展、增长等)稳步的

assemble /əˈsemb(ə)l/ v. 组装

spur /spɜː(r)/ v. 刺激

[4] Today the industry, with nearly $3trn in annual global revenues, is experiencing its most radical upheaval yet. Established carmakers are scrambling to electrify, improve their software and prepare for autonomous driving.



radical /ˈrædɪk(ə)l/ adj. 激进的

upheaval /ʌpˈhiːv(ə)l/ n. 动荡

scramble /ˈskræmb(ə)l/ v. 争抢

[5] The disruption is in part a result of Tesla’s success, both as a maker of EVs and as a firm that puts technology at the heart of its business. But it is also caused by greater competition in China, where local firms, supported by state subsidies, are winning market share from Western rivals. BYD and Changan, the country’s two biggest homegrown firms, now have a domestic market share of 18%, and sell around 4m cars a year. China’s carmakers are especially innovative when it comes to infotainment and the seamless integration of smartphones. A healthy head start and huge scale, meanwhile, have helped BYD become a leader in EVs at the cheap end of the market. All told, the competition is leaving Japanese firms, once leaders, in the dust.



disruption /dɪsˈrʌpʃn/ n. 中断

subsidy /ˈsʌbsədi/ n. 补贴

homegrown /ˌhəʊmˈɡrəʊn/ adj. 本国产的

domestic /dəˈmestɪk/ n. 国内的

infotainment /ˌɪnfəʊˈteɪnmənt/ n. 资讯娱乐节目

seamless /ˈsiːmləs/ adj. 无缝的

[6] The world’s drivers stand to gain from cheaper and greener cars. But can the race for market dominance continue? China’s emergence as an EV superpower is taking place just as the geopolitical climate worsens, and protectionism is finding greater favour in the West.



emergence /ɪˈmɜːdʒəns/ n. 兴起

geopolitical /ˌdʒiːəʊpəˈlɪtɪkl/ adj. 地缘政治学的

protectionism /prəˈtekʃənɪzəm/ n. 贸易保护主义







