During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) (71) is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) (72) is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The (73) combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (74), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) (75) attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.
B.Joint application development
C. Interviews
D. Prototyping
(72)A. Object-oriented development
B. Model-driven development
C. Rapid application development
D. Commercial Application package
(73)A.requirements planning phasc
B. busincss process modeling
C. business process improvement
D. scope definition phase
(74)A.physical architecuredesig
B. object design
C.prototypes design
D. user design phase
(75)A. Agile methods
B. The FAST framework
C. Reversc Engineering
D. Reengineering