



责编:谷兰 2019-08-20


Packaging is a very important form of advertising.A package can sometimes motivate people to buy products.For example,a little child might ask for a breakfast food contained in a box with a picture of a TV character.The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food.Pictures for children to color or cut out,games printed on a package,or a small gift inside a box also motivate many children to buy products-or to ask their parents to buy for them.

Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing.Food products sold in reusable containers are examples of this.Although a similar product in plain container might cost less,people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish,because they believe the container is free.However,the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product.

The size of a package also motivates a buyer.Maybe the package has“Economy Size”or“Family Size”printed on it.This suggests that the larger size has the most product for the least money.But that is not always true.To find it out,a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit.

The information on the package should provide some answers.But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement.The words and pictures do not tell the whole story.Only the product inside can do that.

1、What do you think is the best title for the passage?

A.How to Package a Product.

B.How to Make an Advertisement.

C.How to Sell Product.

D.How to Attract More Buyers.



2、“A buyer will get something for nothing”in paragraph 2 may probably mean ________.

A.a buyer will not get what he pays for

B.a buyer will get more than what he pays for

C.a buyer will get something useful free of charge

D.a buyer will get more but pay less


参考解析:题干意为“第二段中的‘A buyer will get something for nothing’可能意为______。”这句话的意思是“有的购买者买一件东西,却什么也不图。”隐藏的意思是他们只看包装而不看实物,是物非所值的购物方式。只有选项A表达的是这种意思,其他几个选项意思近似,故选A。

3、Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A.In fact glasses or dishes used for packaging do not cost money at all.

B.“Family Size”printed on the package means that it is rather economic.

C.To a child,even to an adult,the form is far more important than the content.

D.Words and pictures written on the package are thought to be an advertisement.


参考解析:判断题。第二段最后一句However,the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product,说明所有包装的成本都是算入产品价格的,选项A说包装的玻璃碟子不花钱,这是不正确的。

4、What suggestion does the writer give in the passage?

A.It's not good to buy the product which is sold in a glass or dish.

B.The quality of a container has nothing to do with the quality of the product.

C.The best choice for a buyer is to buy a product in a plain package.

D.A buyer should buy what he needs most rather than a well-designed package.


参考解析:推理题。最后一段,作者提示读者The words and pictures do not tell the whole story.Only the product inside Call do that.也就是说不要太相信广告词和图,要看产品本身。

5、From the pasage we know the buyer pays more attention to ________.

A.the size of a container

B.a container with attractive picture

C.a well-designed container

D.a plain container with low cost




oceans Claim our Attention

We've already pushed the world oceans close to-and in some cases,past-their natural limits,according to a recently released report on the state of our oceans by the World Watch Institute.

The increasing number of citizen groups,business and governments taking an active interest in slowing down the destruction and pollution of the ocean is encouraging,says senior researcher and author Anne platt Mcginn,citing a host of efforts already under way:1.Unilever,which controls 20 percent of the whitefish market in Europe and US,has agreed to buy only fish caught and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.2.Volunteers in the philippines,Thailand,India,and Ecuador are replanting mangrove areas to repair earlier damage from shrimp farming.3.In northern Sulawesia,citizens have cleared coral reefs of harmful invasive species.4.The United States and Canada have each banned oil drilling on large portions of their continental shelves.

0n the downside,Safeguarding the Health of oceans says that seven out of ten commercial fish species are fully or overexploited and even worse,many of their spawning grounds have been cleared to make room for shrimp ponds,golf courses and beach resorts.Habitat degradation,resulting from development,agricultural run off,sewage pollution and destructive fishing practices has led to a tripling in the number of poisonous algal species identified by scientists,increasing fish kills,beach closures,and economic losses.

The impact on the economy is significant.people obtain an average of 16 percent of their animal protein from fish,and people in developing countries are extremely dependent on reef fisheries for both food and income.Tourism accounts for a large piece of coastlines and medicines are being found in reef ecosystems every day.Even toothpaste and ice cream depend on the gel-forming properties of brown algae.

The problems facing the oceans are legion:the marine conversation community is fragmented,bans on destructive activities are routinely ignored,too many regulatory organizations have a development-first mindset and enforcement and oversight are ineffective,if not altogether lacking.oceans need to be protected locally,nationally,and internationally,according to McGinn.Right now,the United Nations General Assembly spends just one day a year covering issues that affect more than half of the planet.The report suggests that a tax of one tenth of one percent on industrial and recreational ocean activities would generate$500 million a year,more than five times and the annual budgets the International Maritime organization and the Fisheries Department of the UN Food and Agriculture organization.

However,the most productive areas of the ocean are under national jurisdiction and 80 percent of oceanic pollution originates on land.This means that addressing global marine issues requires strong national and local policies.problems remain far from resolved.

1、We can infer form the passage that.

A.problems at the international level continue to be difficult to resolve.

B.all countries are going to impose taxes on fishers and tourists.

C.the UN General Assembly has made strong policies with regard to oceanic protection.

D.the problems facing the oceans have already aroused sufficient attention.



2、The word sustainable in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.






参考解析:第二段有这样一段话:——buy only fish caught and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.即只购买那些环境上sustainable的地区捕获和生产的鱼类。据此可以推断,此处的sustainable指可持续发展的。与之相近的词是maintainable

3、What will happen if an organization takes a development-first attitude in environmental context?

A.It will take strong measures to prevent oceans from being further polluted.

B.It is going to exploit the oceanic resources first regardless of environmental protection.

C.It will not ignore bans on destructive activities.

D.It will not place development above other factors.



4、Which of the following statements is not the result of destructive fishing practices?

A.Seventy-percent commercial fish species are over exploited.

B.Many of fishes'spawning grounds have been destroyed.

C.Economic losses are on the increase.

D.Each country has already taken measures to destructive activities.



5、What's the probable relationship between mangrove growing and shrimp farming in the philippines?

A.The growth of mangroves kept shrimps from reproducing.

B.Large areas of mangroves were damaged because of shrimp farming.

C.Mangroves helped shrimps grow fast.

D.Shrimp farming gave rise to rapid growth of mangroves.




Certain animals have an intuitive awareness of quantities.They know without analysis the difference between a number of objects ands a smaller number.In his book The Natural History of Selbourne(1786),the naturalist Gilbert White tells how he surreptitiously removed one egg a day to make up plover's nest,and how the mother laid another egg each day to make up for the missing one.He noted that other species of birds ignore the absence of a single egg but abandon their nest if more than one egg has been removed.It has also been noted by naturalist that a certain type of wasp always provides five-never four,never six-caterpillars for each of their eggs so that their young have something to eat when the eggs hatch.Research has also shown that both mice and pigeons can be taught to distinguish between odd and even numbers of food pieces.

These and similar accounts have led some people to infer that creatures other than human can actually count.They also point to dogs that have been taught to respond to numerical questions with the correct number of barks,or to horses that seem to solve arithmetic problem by stomping their hooves number of times.

Animals respond to quantities only when they are connected to survive as a species-as in the case of the eggs-or survive as individuals-as in the case of food.There is on transfer to other situations or from concrete reality to the abstract notion of numbers.Animals can"count"only when the objects are present and only when the numbers involved are small-no more than seven or eight.In lab experiments,animals trained to count one kind of object were unable to count any other type.The objects,not the numbers,are what interest them.Animal's admittedly remarkable achievements simply do not amount to evidence of counting,nor do they reveal more than innate instinct,refined by the genes of successive generations,or the results of clever,careful conditioning by trainers.

1、According to the information in the passage,which of the following is LEAST likely to occur as a result of animal's intuitive awareness of quantities?

A.A pigeon is more attracted by a box containing two pieces of food than by a box containing one piece.

B.When asked by its trainer how old it is,a monkey holds up five fingers.

C.When one of its four kittens crawls away,a mother cat misses it and searches for the missing kitten.

D.A lion follows one antelope instead of a herd of antelopes because it is easier to hunt a single prey.


参考解析:When asked by its trainer how old it is,a monkey holds up five fingers.无论猴子的反应是什么样子,都只是一种反复训练之后的一种本能的反映。而不是真正的说出他的年龄。

2、What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Careful training is required to teach animals to perform tricks involving numbers

B.Animas cannot count more than one kind of object

C.of all animals,dogs and horses can count best

D.Although some animals may be aware of quantities,they cannot actually count



3、The author mentions that all of the following are aware of quantities in some way EXCEPT___.






参考解析:It has also been noted by naturalist that a certain type of wasp always provides five-never four,never six-caterpillars for each of their eggs.

4、The word"surreptitiously"in line 4 is closest in meaning to ___.







5、The author refers to Gilbert's book in paragraph 1 in order to___.

A.show how attitudes have changed since 1786

B.Contradict the idea that animals can count.

C.provide evidence that some birds are aware of quantities.

D.Indicate that more research is needed in this field.




One in six.Believe it or not,that's the number of Americans who struggle with hunger.To make tomorrow a little better,Feeding America,the nation's largest __1__ hunger relief organization,has chosen September as Hunger Action Month.As part of its 30 Ways in 30 Days program,it"s asking __2__ across the country to help the more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agenda in its network provide low income individuals and families with the fuel they need to __3__ It's the kind of work that's done every day at St.Andrew's Episcopal Church in San Antonio.People who __4__ at its front door on the first and third Thursdays of each month aren't looking for God--they"re there for something to eat.St.Andrew's runs a food pantry(食品室)that __5__ the City and several of the __6 __towns.Janet Drane is its manager.

In the wake of the __7 __,the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow.It is __8__ that 4 million Americans are unsure of where they will find their next meal.What's most surprising is that 36%of them live in __9__ where at least one adult is working."It used to be that one job was all you needed,"says St.Andrew's Drane."The people

we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they're still right on the edge __10__"


















参考解析:此处需填入形容词,与the nation's largest及hunger relief一起修饰中心词organization;此处提到“供养美国”应是美国国内最大的饥荒救援组织,所以此处填domestic(国内的)最为恰当。


参考解析:根据空格前的动词askin9可知,此处需填入名词,作ask的宾语。构成固定搭配ask sb.to do sth.,从而可以把答案锁定于communities和households.根据句意,帮助200多家食品库和其网络中的6.1万所机构为低收入人群和家庭提供生存所需的食物的不可能是“全国各地的家庭”,可排除households,确定答案为communities(社区)。


参考解析:根据词组need to do可知此处需填动词原形,备选项中有ac—cumulate,gather和survive符合条件。文中they need t0…为定语从句,修饰fuel,可理解为they needthefuelto…,食物应该是用以生存,符合低收入个人和家庭的特点,accumulate意为“增加,积聚”,gather意为“聚集”。故选survive“活下来,幸存”。


参考解析:此处为wh0引导的定语从句,从句中缺少谓语,所以需填入谓语动词。因为先行词people为复数,且从后文的each month判断出时态为一般现在时,所以这里应该用动词原形。survive语义不符,可以排除。此处语义上指人“聚集”,用9ather.而accumulate指事物量的增加,强调“经过一段比较长的时间由少到多的积累”,不适合用于此处。


参考解析:根据句子结构判断从句中缺少谓语动词,所以需填入谓语动词。因为先行词a food pantry为单数名词,且整句话都为现在时(runs为现在时),所以谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式。在选项中,只有selves“接待,服务”符合条件,填入文中意为“这个食品室向整个城市和周边几个城镇供应(食物)”。




参考解析:从句子结构分析,介词0f后应用名词或动名词作其宾语,故此处需填入名词作短语的中心词。词组in the wake of意为“随着…的‘到来”,即上下旬意为“随着……的到来,需要食品援助的家庭数量开始增加”,由此可推断应该是经济萧条造成的,因此选recession(经济萧条不景气)语义相符。


参考解析:下文用具体数据4 million讲现存问题,应该断定这个事实是根据报道得来的。It is reported that…是常用句型,意为“据报道…”,故应选reported.




参考解析:从句子结构角度分析,此句结构完整,所以空格处应填入一个副词作状语。根据上文可知,本句中的The people及they均指的是虽然有三四份兼职,但仍“需要食物救助的人”,可判断出他们经济状态困窘,故选financially,表示经济上、财政上处于边缘水平。







You have read the following magazine advertisement in which an American girl is looking for pen-friends and you want to get in touch with her.Write a letter to her(Andy Lewis),telling her about:

1、your family

2、your schooling or work

3、your hobbies

You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter.Use Li Ping"instead.You needn't write the address.


Dear Andy,

I have read the advertisement and I am very glad to become your pen-friend.

I am a girl of 25 years old.I live with my parents in Beijing.I have a brother working in a computer company.I'm a history teacher in a junior middle school.I share the same hobbies with you,and I also like traveling and hiking very much.I usually go camping with my friends on weekends.I like to make friends,not only in Beijing,but also in other countries.It's a great pleasure to know you.And I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,Li Ping







