

责编:杨锐频 2022-02-24



When we want to 1 other people what we think, we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many 2 ways. For example, we sometimes move our heads 3 when we want to say “yes”, and we move our heads 4 when we want to say “no”.

People who can 5 hear 5 speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who do not understand each other’s language have to do the same. The following story shows 6 they sometimes do it.

7 English man who could not speak Italian was 8 traveling in Italy. One day he entered a restaurant and sat 9 a table. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his month, 10 his fingers into it, 11 them out again and moved his lips. In the way he meant to say, “ 12 me something to eat.” The waiter soon brought him 13 tea. The Englishman 14 his head and the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea. So he took it 15 and brought him 16

coffee. The Englishman was angry. He was just going to leave the restaurant 17

another traveler came in. When this man saw the waiter, he 18 his hands on his stomach. That was enough. In a 19 minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat 20 his table.

1. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

2. A. anything B. another C. other D. others

3. A. now and then B. over and over C. up and down D. here and there

4. A. from mouth to mouth B. from door to door

C. from the masses to the masses D. from side to side

5. A. not only……but also B. as well as

C. either……or D. neither……nor

6. A. how B. why C. what D. which

7. A. the B. An C. A D. Any

8. A. ever B. never C. before D. once

9. A. in B. at C. on D. upon

10. A. laid B. played C. put D. stayed

11. A. took B. put C. brought D. carried

12. A. Bring B. Took C. Fetched D. Carried

13. A. a piece B. a packet of C. a cup of D. a box of

14. A. shook B. nodded C. bent D. showed

15. A. back B. away C. out D. along

16. A. any B. some C. little D. few

17. A. when B. where C. why D. how

18. A. stood B. sat C. put D. placed

19. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

20. A. at B. over C. under D. on


1. C 告诉某人某事用: tell sb sth.

2. C 也用许多其它的方法 in many other ways. 这里A项显然不对,B项中another指的是两者之中的另一个,而这里所表达的方法显然不止两种。D项中others其余的,前面要带the一起使用:the others 其余的,后面不再跟名词。

3. C 这里要表达的是:比如,有时当我们想说“是”的时候就点头,move our heads up and down.

4. D 当我们想说“不”的时候就摇头,move our heads from side to side.

5. D 有些既不能听也不能与别人交谈的人中只能借助他们的手指来获得帮助。Neither……nor…… 既不……也不…….

6. A 这句话是说,接下来的故事就表现出了他们在这种情况下是怎么样做的。所以要用how来引导这个方式状语从句。

7. B 一个不会说意大利语的英国人曾在意大利旅游。通过后面的谓语动词was可以肯定人称是单数,显然,用an,因为后面English 是以元音字母开头的。

8. D 曾经,用once. 其它选项代入句子不通。

9. B 一天他走进一家餐馆在一张桌子旁边坐下。在桌子旁边坐,用介词at.

10.C put……into…… 把……放进…….

11.A take……out…… 把……取出…….

12.A Bring me something to eat. 给我些吃的,这里bring是带来的意思。而take则表达拿去的意思。C,D显然不合题意。

13.C a cup of tea 一杯荼。

14.A 根据后面的:the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea.我们知道他是对服务员的做法表示否定,这时他只能是摇头,而不可能是点头。所以用shook his head.

15.B 把……拿走 take……away; 根据前后语意可知,服务员知道他不是想要一杯荼于是就把荼端走了。

16.B 承接上句,于是给他带来了一些咖啡。不能用很多,也不能用很少,只是表达给他带来些咖啡而已。

17.A 这个英国人生气了。他正要离开的时候另一个服务员进来了。显然,时间状语从句由when来引导。

18.C 这个英国人一看到这个服务员就把手放到胃部。 Put……on…… 把……放在…上面

19.B 这就足够了。很快一大盘面包和肉就放到了桌子上。In a few minutes 很快,几分钟之内。

20.D 吃的东西显然要放在桌子上,不是下面,也不是一边。用on table.














