

责编:杨锐频 2021-04-09

I. Vocabulary and Structure (45 Points)

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. ______ when she started to cry.

A. Not until he arrived

B. Hardly had he arrived

C. Scarcely did he arrive

D. No sooner had he arrived

2. Lincoln is thought by many historians ______ a man of great vision.

A. to be be thought to be 意思是“被认为是

B. being

C. having been

D. to have been

3. At present many a man ______ that automobiles are bringing more pollution

n than accidents.

A. are thinking

B. is thinking

C. think

D. thinks

4. Mark Twain, the great master of literature, ______ a lot of works of importance.

A. wrote

B. has written

C. had written

D. writes

5. He went pale ______ the news.

A. of

B. at

C. with

D. from

6. It was good ______ him to help me.

A. for

B. from

C. of

D. about

7. The criminal stood in the court with his head ______, saying nothing.

A. bent

B. fallen

C. dropped

D. lowered lower one ’s head

8. Many retired workers are advised to ______ stamp collecting as a hobby.

A. pick up

B. take up pick up 捡起来 ;take up 从事 ;set up 建立 ;follow up 探究。

C. set up

D. follow up

9. An expert, together with some assistants, ______ to help in this work.

A. were sent

B. was sent

C. are sending

D. is sending

10. There came from the corner of the room a ______ sound of pain.

A. dim 暗淡的,模糊的

B. slight 细微的

C. faint 微弱的

D. slim 苗条的,细长的

11. The essay ______ a very important argument.

A. cuts off

B. leaves off

C. leaves out :cut off 切断 ( 供应等 );leave off 停止 ;leave out 省略,遗漏 ;

D. cuts short 缩减。

12. The new law will be ______ from next month.

A. in force 付诸实施

B. in nature

C. in place

D. in practice 实际上

13. Never would he ______ her because he loves her so much.

A. ruin 毁坏

B. wound 弄伤 (有伤口 )

C. hurt 伤害 ( 感情 )

D. injure 弄伤

14. The poor new comer could not ______ of what the manager said.

A. make out 辨认出

B. tell

C. make sense 理解,弄清楚

D. guess out 猜出

15. The enemy ______ him to make him let out the secrets of the Party.

A. required

B. asked require, ask 要求

C. tortured 折磨

D. insisted 坚持

16. I suddenly realized he stepped on my toe ______ to take his revenge.

A. by chance 偶然

B. on purpose = intentionally 故意地

C. on intention

D. by himself

17. Lu Xun ’ s ______ interest in medicine was later replaced by that in literature.

A. initial 最初的,开始的

B. imitate 模仿

C. intimate 亲密的

D. infinite 无限的

18. Tom was unable to ______ a way to solve the mathematic problem.

A. fill out 填写

B. make out 辨认

C. come out

D. figure out 猜出,想出

19. The patient was told that he had ______ of lung cancer.

A. signs 标记,迹象

B. features( 面部 ) 特征

C. characteristics 特点,特色

D. symptoms 症状

20. Every year, Japanese ______ large amounts of fish and other sea-food.

A. take

B. consume 消费,消耗

C. spend

D. exhaust 耗尽 ( 精力 )

21. I was ______ as to how I could lay my hands on the money.

A. at a loss 困惑,茫然不知所措的

B. in charge

C. aware 知道的,明白的

D. incapable

22. Senior citizens often fear change. They have found their own level in life

and don ’t like to ______ from it.

A. escape 逃跑,逃脱

B. depart 离开

C. dismiss 解散,开除

D. drift 漂流

23. Roger gave me some beautiful Japanese stamps in ______ for two records of

the Beatles.

A. exchange

B. contact

C. addition

D. need

24. The policeman went from door to door, ______ whether anyone had seen the

missing boy.

A. demanding 要求,需求

B. inquiring 寻求,查究

C. requiring 需要,要求

D. searching

25. I ’d like to ______ him to you for the position because he’s a very industrious

and responsible man.

A. refer 提到,涉及,查阅

B. suggest 建议,暗示

C. recommend 推荐,介绍

D. propose 向…提议,建议

26. He is said ______ a book on the extinction of dinosaurs already.

A. to write

B. to have written

C. writing

D. having written

27. You can fly to London this morning ______ you don ’t mind changing planes

in Paris.

A. provided 倘若,如果

B. expect

C. unless

D. so far as 只要

28. Only through much practice ______ to master a foreign language.

A. we shall be able

B. we will be able

C. shall we be able

D. can we be able

29. I doubt ______ he will show up as he has promised.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. whether

30. The children burst into laughter ______ the funny clown appeared on the


A. in case 万一,以免

B. the minute= the instant, the second ,表示“一…就”

C. since then 打那以后

D. for a while 暂时,一会儿

31. He was ______ of a reporter than a writer.

A. much

B. many

C. most

D. more more than 与其说,不如说…

32. There used to be a map of the world on the wall, ______?

A. did there

B. didn ’t there

C. wasn ’t there

D. was there

33. She ought to ______ my letter a week ago. But she was busy with her work

at that time.

A. have answered

B. answering

C. answer

D. be answered

34. I really appreciate ______ to help me, but I ’m sure that I will be able

to manage by myself.

A. you to offer

B. your offering appreciate 后接动词的 ing 形式

C. that you offer

D. that you are offering

35. She likes ______ handbags.

A. those small beautiful brown snake-skin

B. those brown beautiful small snake-skin

C. those snake-skin beautiful small brown

D. those beautiful small brown snake-skin 形容词修饰名词时

36. The meaning of this poem is very ______; I really don ’t understand it.

A. suspicious 可疑的,怀疑的

B. doubting

C. obscure 模糊的,晦涩的

D. clear-cut 确定的,明确的

37. Fresh air, enough exercise and nutritious food ______ to good health.

A. contribute 有助于,促进

B. attribute 归因于

C. add

D. distribute 分发,分配

38. Whatever he has ______, Ben has got by his own efforts, with help from no one.

A. contained 包含,容纳

B. sustained 支撑,维持

C. attained 达到,获得

D. detained 拘留,阻止

39. Although we still have some problems to overcome, ______ our work has been successful.

A. by all means 尽一切方法,一定

B. by and large 大体上,基本上

C. in the long run 最后,从长远来看

D. in particular 特别地

40. He thought hard but still could not ______ any good idea.

A. come up with

B. come into effect 开始奏效

C. come out 发芽,出版

D. come on

41. The project was ______ easy, it took us nearly three years to fulfill it.

A. at least

B. on a large scale 大规模地

C. anything but 决不,根本不

D. nothing but 只,仅仅

42. ______ you didn't have a key, I wouldn ’t have locked the door.

A. If I know

B. If I knew

C. Had I known

D. Were I to know

43. The rain was so heavy ______ our picnic impossible.

A. to make

B. making

C. as to make so...as to 如此…以至于

D. in order to make

44. Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and need ______.

A. to repair

B. to have repaired

C. repairing 当 need/want/require 表需要、要求时,可接 doing ,也可接 to be done

D. being repaired

45. ______ of plastic, the machine is much lighter than those made of steel.

A. To make

B. To have made

C. Made

D. Making

II. Cloze (20 Points)

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the following passage.

Animals and insects can communicate with others of 46 kind through signals or sounds. Bees, for example, use signals to communicate information to other bees.

When a bee 47 food, it goes towards its hive. It " 48 " in the air to tell the other

bees about its 49 . The 50 of the dance give information about the place where the food is, and about the 51 between that place to the hive.

Some animals make 52 to communicate their feelings, or to pass information to each other. For example, a dog barks when it is angry, or excited. Birds make different kinds of sounds to signal, for example, danger or 53 . 54, however, have something that no animal has. Human beings have the ability to express their action, feelings and ideas through 55 . They can also write words down, in order to communicate past events and to 56 message to people far away.

Even though some birds have learned to 57 words , they do not understand the 58 of the words, and therefore they cannot 59 them to communicate ideas.

How did man first learn to 60 ? Perhaps we shall never know. However, we do know 61 as man’s knowledge increased he 62 use more sounds in order to express a greater number of feelings and ideas. It became necessary for him to communicate about a greater number of things. He began to make 63 different sounds, and gradually he put these sounds together to form first words 64 groups of words, and then 65 . In different parts of the world, people developed their own systems of sounds and words.

Today we call these systems "languages".

46. A. different B. the different C. same D. the same

47. A. has found B. had found C. has looked D. finds

48. A. walks B. steps C. dances D. shouts

49. A. enemy B. discovery C. discover D. friend

50. A. movements B. dress C. meaning D. language

51. A. way B. road C. distance D. path

52. A. sounds B. voice C. sound D. noise

53. A. friend B. friendship C. friends D. friendly

54. A. Human beings B. People

C. Persons D. Beasts

55. A. words B. worms C. world D. work

56. A. set B. sad C. send D. sent

57. A. sing B. repeat C. cry D. call

58. A. spelling B. meaning C. function D. part of speech

59. A. use B. do C. force D. make

60. A. tell B. talk C. say D. speak

61. A. that B. which C. when D. where

62. A. needs B. needs to C. needed to D. needed

63. A. less and less B. much and much

C. more and more D. little and little

64. A. at last B. finally C. in the end D. then

65. A. paragraphs B. languages C. letters D. sentences

III. Reading Comprehension (50 Points)

In this section there are 5 passages, and each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.

Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:

In the 1900's, American townspeople usually washed and brushed their teeth and combed their hair in the kitchen. Or they kept a water pitcher( 大水罐 ) and a wash basin in their rooms and took care of these things there.

The bathtub was a wash tub( 澡盆 ) filled with water from the stove. If you were small enough you could sit down by drawing your knees to your chest. Otherwise, you washed yourself standing up. Often all the women and girls in the family bathed together. Then the men and boys did. In most families this was Saturday night because Sundays they went to church.

A small number of families did have running water. But that depended on whether there was a water system where they lived and on whether they could afford the plumbing. Some people had bathtubs in their homes as early as 1895. But many others did not have their first bath in a bathtub until 1910 or later when they were fifteen or sixteen years old.

66. In the first paragraph, "took care of" means "______".

A. kept

B. looked after

C. used

D. kept and used

67. In order to use the water from the stove, there ______ be a pipe connecting

the tub with the stove.

A. must

B. seemed to

C. needn't

D. should

68. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Males and females in the family took turns using the bathtub.

B. Some bathtubs were big enough for many people to bathe in at the same time.

C. All the women and girls of a family could bathe together standing up in the


D. When several family members bathed together, they did not use the bathtub.

69. ______ Americans owned a bathtub as early as 1895.

A. Many

B. Not all

C. All

D. Few

70. We can infer ( 推断 ) that the plumbing ______ at that time.

A. cost little

C. was more expensive than a water system

C. was too expensive for every family to afford

D. was not necessary

Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:

There are some special traditions ( 传统 ) in Hawaii. People are very friendly

and always welcome visitors. They give visitors a lei, a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers. Men wear bright flowered shirts, and women often wear long flowered dresses. There are traditional Chinese, Japanese and Philippine holidays and all the holidays from the United States.

They call Hawaii the Aloha State. Aloha means both hello and goodbye. It also means ''I love you".

Usually when people from different countries, races and traditions live together, there are serious problems. There are a few problems in Hawaii but, in general, people have learned to live together in peace.

Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors, and most of the visitors come from the mainland and from Japan. There are so many people living in Hawaii now that there are residential areas( 住宅区 ) where there used to be farms. Some of the big sugar and apple companies have moved to the Philippine, where they do not have to pay workers as much money. The families of the first people who came from the U. S. mainland own the important banks and companies. Japanese are also buying or starting businesses.

71. A good title for this article might be ______.

A. Hawaii the Aloha State

B. Living in Peace Together

C. The Flowers of Hawaii

D. The Problems of Hawaii

72. The author wants to show that ______.

A. we should all go to Hawaii

B. it is possible to learn to live together in peace

C. it is not possible to live together in peace

D. Hawaii is the only place where there is peace

73. A lei is a ______.

A. group of flowers

B. bright flowered shirt

C. way to say hello and goodbye

D. necklace of flowers

74. Why have the people of Hawaii come to live in peace?

A. Because they have a beach.

B. Because they are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

C. They really don't live in peace.

D. Because they learned that it was the best.

75. ______ plays an important part in the development of Hawaii.

A. Modern industry

B. Agriculture

C. The airline

D. Business in travel

Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:

In the morning of May 5th, 1975, the astronaut named Harry Jackson was given very careful medical examination. Then he was sent to the launching (v. 发射 ) position, where the spaceship Astra was waiting to be launched. After Harry Jackson put on his special space suit, a lift took him up to the rocket ( 火箭 ), which was 65 feet above the ground.

The count-down started, "six, five, four, three, two, one, zero, lift off," and

the rocket immediately left the earth at very high speed.

After two and a half minutes, the rocket was moving at 5,000 miles an hour. When the Astra was 425 miles above the earth, it stopped for 20 minutes. Then Harry Jackson left his spaceship and swam around in space. He was fixed by a life-line that would help him return to the spaceship.

As he moved about in space, he kept taking photos with his specially-made camera of what he did and saw. Afterwards he used the life-line to pull himself back to the spaceship. Then the Astra began to fall back. Forty-eight hours after the flight had started, Harry Jackson and his spaceship fell down in the Atlantic, where a waiting helicopter (n. 直升飞机 ) picked him up.

The flight was carried out exactly as it was planned and was really a great

success. When the results of the trip was announced, the whole nation cheered for it with great joy.

76. The best title (n. 题目 ) of this passage is ______.

A. The First Space Walker

B. A Successful Flight

C. A Great Success

D. Harry Jackson —First Space-Swimmer

77. The Astra was ______.

A. a rocket

B. an ordinary jet plane

C. a spaceship launched by a rocket

D. a rocket operated by Harry Jackson

78. The whole flight took ______ to complete.

A. nearly fifty hours

B. twenty minutes

C. two and a half minutes

D. several days

79. When the Astra was ______ the earth, it stopped for twenty minutes so that the astronaut ______.

A. 65 feet above, could walk in space

B. 5 000 miles above, could swim in space

C. 425 miles away from, could carry out the plan which had been arranged

D. very far away from, could take photos of what he did and saw

80. The life-line was used ______.

A. to keep the astronaut from floating away from the Astra

B. to help Harry Jackson to take photos

C. to keep in touch with the launching centre on the earth

D. not leave the Astra for a moment

Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:

China's 5000-meter Olympic Champion Wang Junxia is suffering from a serious condition brought on by stress and her heavy training schedule( 日程 ), according to her coach. Wang was China's only athletic medalist in the Atlanta Olympic Games, winning gold in the women's 5000 meters and silver in the 10000 meters.

"Wang Junxia is suffering from serious neurasthenia( 神经衰弱 ), which is causing her insomnia( 失眠 ) and even making it painful for her to run." Coach Wang Dezhen told reporters. In an interview with China's National Television Station CCTV, Wang said that her headaches come whenever she runs. Neurasthenia is a general term for a condition whose symptoms range( 症状范围 ) from fatigue ( 疲劳 ) and anxiety to listlessness( 倦怠无力 ).

"The condition has been brought on by her hard training schedule these past few years and she needs a good rest." said Mao, who took over Wang's training when the long-distance star split with long-time coach Ma Junren in late 1994.

Wang is currently recuperating( 复原 ) in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning province, but will join the rest of the provincial team in the southern city of Nanning for winter training in February, Mao said.

81. What following is the reason for which Wang Junxia suffers from a serious

nervous condition?

A. poor health.

B. too much stress.

C. heavy training.

D. both B and C.

82. According to the passage, ______.

A. she has stopped training

B. she has been training very hard

C. she has been a serious neurasthenia

D. she has been in poor health

83. Which of the following is right?

A. She got two gold medals in the Atlanta Olympic Games.

B. She is from Northeast of China.

C. She is now training in the southern city of Nanning.

D. She has been guided by Coach Mao Dezhen for five years.

84. The best title of the passage is ______.

A. Wang Needs a Good Rest

B. Wang’s Schedule Isn't Scientific

C. Wang Faces a Serious Problem of Neurasthenia

D. Coach Wang ’s new Challenge

85. Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A novel.

B. An ad.

C. A newspaper.

D. A magazine.

Questions 86 to 90 are based on the following passage:

Everybody may have seen the film "Death on the Nile (n. 尼罗河 )", but nobody can imagine that the writer of the story, Agatha Christie, saved a baby in a most unusual way.

In June 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Deleville. Doctors there were

unable to find out the cause of her illness, so she was sent to a famous hospital in London, where there were many excellent doctors. The baby was so seriously ill that a team of doctors hurried to examine her without any delay. The doctors, too, were puzzled by the baby ’s illness, and they also became discouraged. Just then a nurse asked to speak to them.

"I think the baby is suffering from thallium (n. 铊) poisoning," said the nurse.

"A few days ago, I read a story 'A Pale Horse' written by Agatha Christie. Someone uses thallium poison, and all the symptoms (n. 症状 ) are written in the book. They are exactly the same as the baby ’s."

"You're very good at observing things," said a doctor, "and you may be right.

We'll carry out some tests and find out whether the cause is thallium poisoning or not."

The tests proved that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium. Once they knew that cause, the doctors were able to give her correct treatment. The baby soon got well and was sent back to Daleville. A week later it was reported that the poison might have come from an insecticide(n. 杀虫剂 ) used in Deleville.

86. The baby was sent to a hospital in London because ______.

A. her parents were living in London then

B. the hospitals in Deleville were full at that time

C. she was the daughter of a famous doctor in London

D. doctors in Deleville were not sure about the cause of her illness

87.When the baby was first sent to the hospital in London, her illness was

considered to be ______.

A. quite easy to treat

B. the result of thallium poisoning

C. a common one

D. extraordinarily serious

88. The one who first suggested the correct cause of the baby ’s illness was


A. a doctor in Deleville

B. a famous doctor

C. Agatha Christie

D. an ordinary nurse

89. From this passage it seems that the baby’s illness had something to do with ______.

A. a dead writer

B. the water in Deleville

C. a dangerous murderer

D. a harmful substance(n. 物质 ) used to kill pests

90. As far as we can tell from the story, Agatha Christie ______.

A. had never met this baby

B. had spent a long time studying the baby ’s illness

C. visited the baby both in Deleville and London

D. gave the nurse some advice on the telephone

IV Translation (20 Points)

Translate the following sentences into English, using the key words and

expressions given below.

91. 我已得出结论,像这样的计划不可行。 (work)

92. 她心中起了怀疑。 (spring up)

93. 古希腊被称为西方文明的起源。 (origin)

94. 只有十名船员幸免于船只失事。 (survive)

95. 不要摇动船只,你会使它失去平衡而翻倒的。 (turn over)

V. Writing (15 Points)

Write a composition about Time in three paragraphs. You are given the first

sentence of each paragraph and are required to develop its idea by completing the paragraph. Write about 35 words for each paragraph, not including the words given.

Therefore, your part of the composition should be about 100 words.

Time A proverb says: “ Time is money.” But I think time is even more precious than money. ____Nowadays, some students do not realize that wasting time means wasting life. ________Therefore, never waste any time.


1. 答案: B 。

Hardly …when是固定句型, 意思是“刚刚…就…” ;hardly 放在句首时后面用倒装结构 ;从句中用一般过去时,主句中用过去完成时。类似的词组还有 scarcely …when和 no sooner …than 。

2. 答案: A 。

be thought to be 意思是“被认为是”。

3. 答案: D。 ‘many a + 单数名词’的意义与 many+复数名词相同,但后面的谓语动词用单数形式,据 at present( 目前 ) 可知,用一般现在时即可。

4. 答案: A 。


5. 答案: B 。

介词 at 表示原因、对象,此句的意思是“听到这个消息,他脸色变得苍白”。

6. 答案: C。

此处为一固定句型: it is + ( 表示人的性格、品德,如 kind)adj. + of + sb. + to do

sth. 。

7. 答案: D。 由 with 引导的独立主格结构,“低着头”应为 lower one ’s head 。

8. 答案: B 。

这四个词组的意思分别为: pick up 捡起来 ;take up 从事 ;set up 建 ;follow up 探究。

9. 答案: B 。

单数主语 +with (along with/together with) ,谓语动词用单数形式, 此句的意思是 “一位专家与一些助手被派去帮助这项工作”。

10. 答案: C 。

这四个词的意思分别为: dim 暗淡的,模糊的 ;slight 细微的 ;faint 微弱的 ;slim 苗条的,细长的,此句的意思是“因痛苦而发出的微弱的声音”。

11. 答案: C 。

这四个词组的意思分别为: cut off 切断 ( 供应等 );leave off 停止 ;leave out 省略,遗漏 ;cut short 缩减。

12. 答案: A 。

这四个词组的意思分别为: in force 付诸实施 ;in nature 本性,天生 ;in place 在适当的位置,适当 ;in practice 实际上。

13. 答案: C 。

这四个词组的意思分别为: ruin 毁坏 ;wound 弄伤 ( 有伤口 );hurt 伤害 感情 ) ,弄

疼;injure 弄伤,此句的意思是“伤害她的情感”。

14. 答案: C 。

make sense of 是固定词组,意思是“理解,弄清楚”;make out 辨认出 ;tell of 讲述 ;guess out 猜出。

15. 答案: C 。

require, ask 要求 ;torture 折磨 ;insist 坚持,此句的意思是“折磨他以使他说出党的秘密”。

16. 答案: B 。

By chance 偶然 ;on purpose=intentionally 故意地。 C和 D不是词组。

17. 答案: A 。

initial 最初的,开始的 ;imitate 模仿 ;intimate 亲密的 ;infinite 无限的,此句的意思是“鲁迅最初对医学的兴趣后为对文学的兴趣所取代”。

18. 答案: D 。

fill out 填写 ;make out 辨认 ;come out 出现 ;figure out 猜出,想出。

19. 答案: D 。

sign 标记,迹象 ;feature( 面部 ) 特征 ;characteristic 特点,特色 ;symptom 症状,此句的意思是“有癌症的病兆”

20. 答案: B 。

take 花费 ;consume 消费,消耗 ;spend 花费 ( 时间、金钱等 );exhaust 耗尽 ( 精力 ) 。

21. 答案: A 。

at a loss 困惑,茫然不知所措的 ;in charge 主管,负责 ;aware 知道的,明白

的;incapable 无能力的,此句的意思是“我很困惑,不知怎么把手放到了钱上”。

22. 答案: B 。

escape 逃跑,逃脱 ;depart 离开 ;dismiss 解散,开除 ;drift 漂流,此句的意思是“老年人不喜欢背离现有的生活”。

23. 答案: A 。

exchange 交换 ;contact 接触,联系 ;addition 增加,额外 ;need 需要,此句的意思是 “用一些漂亮的日本邮票去换两张披头士的唱片”。

24. 答案: B 。

demand要求,需求 ;inquire 寻求,查究 ;require 需要,要求 ;search 搜索,搜寻,此句的意思是“警察挨门挨户地走,询问是否有人曾见到失踪的男孩”。

25. 答案: C 。

refer 提到,涉及,查阅 ;suggest 建议,暗示 ;recommend 推荐,介绍 ;propose 向…提议,建议,此句的意思是 “我向你推荐他来做这个职位, 因为它是位非常勤勉和负责任的人” 。

26. 答案: B 。

already 为一标志词,表明动作已经完成,故使用完成时态,此句的意思是“据说他已写了一本关于恐龙灭绝方面的书”。

27. 答案: A 。

provided/providing (that) 倘若,如果 ;expect 期望 ;unless 除非,如果不 ;so far as只要,此句的意思是“如果你不在乎在巴黎转机的话,你可以在今天早上飞往伦敦”。

28. 答案: C 。

only + 副词或介词短语或状语从句置于句首时,后面的主谓需倒装。 D虽然也用了倒装结构,但 can 与 be able to 意义重叠,故排除,此句的意思是“只有通过大量的练习,


29. 答案: D 。 由 whether 引导的名次性从句作宾语, 此句的意思是 “我怀疑是否他会如他所允诺的那样露面”。

30. 答案: B 。

in case 万一,以免 ;the minute 等同于 the instant, the second ,表示“一…就” ;since then 打那以后 ;for a while 暂时,一会儿,此句的意思是“滑稽的小丑刚一在舞台上亮相,孩子们就爆发出笑声”。

31. 答案: D 。

more than 与其说,不如说…,此句的意思是“他与其说是位记者,不如说是位作家”。

32. 答案: C 。

此句为 there be 结构的反意疑问句形式。

33. 答案: A 。

ought to have done sth. 过去应该做某事,但没有做,此句的意思是“她一个星期前就该给我回信,但他那个时候在忙于工作”。

34. 答案: B 。

appreciate 后接动词的 ing 形式,此句的意思是 “你提出要帮助我, 我对此非常感谢” 。

35. 答案: D 。


36. 答案: C 。

suspicious (of) 可疑的,怀疑的 ;doubting 有疑心的,不相信的 ;obscure 模糊的,晦涩的 ;clear-cut 确定的,明确的,此句的意思是“这首诗的意思非常晦涩,我实际上没明白”。

37. 答案: A 。

contribute to 有助于,促进 ;attribute to 归因于 ;add to 增加 ;distribute 分发,分配,此句的意思是“新鲜的空气、足够的练习和有营养的食物有助于健康”。

38. 答案: C 。

contain 包含,容纳 ;sustain 支撑,维持 ;attain = obtain, 达到,获得 ;detain 拘留,阻止,此句的意思是“ Ben 不管取得了什么样的成绩都是靠自己的努力获得的”。

39. 答案: B 。

by all means 尽一切方法,一定 ;by and large 大体上,基本上 ;in the long run 最后,从长远来看 ;in particular 特别地,此句的意思是“尽管我们仍就有一些问题要克服,但总的说来一直是成功的”。

40. 答案: A 。

come up with 提出,拿出 ( 想法,建议等 );come into effect 开始奏效 ;come out 发芽,出版 ;come on 跟上来,赶快,此句的意思是“他冥思苦想,但仍旧想不出个好主意”。

41. 答案: C 。

at least 至少 ;on a large scale 大规模地 ;anything but = not at all, 决不,根本不;nothing but = only, merely, 只,仅仅,此句的意思是“该项目决非简单,我们用了将近三年才完成”。

42. 答案: C 。

这是同过去事实相反的虚拟语气, Had I known = If I had known ,此句的意思是“我要是知道你没钥匙,就不会锁门了”。

43. 答案: C 。

so...as to 如此…以至于,此句的意思是“雨下得如此之大,以至于我们的野餐去不成了”。

44. 答案: C 。 当 need/want/require 表需要、要求时,可接 doing ,也可接 to be done,此句的意思是“这些洗衣机和甩干机中的一些不好用了,需要修理”。

45. 答案: C 。

分词短语作状语,表原因。 Made of plastic = Because it is made of ,此句的意思是“这台机器由于是用塑料制成,要比那些用钢铁制造的机器轻得多”。

II. Cloze (20 Points)

46. 从下文的举例可以看出应是同类动物,答案为 D。

47. 找到食物,应是 A。

48. 蜜蜂在空中应是“跳舞”,即 C。

49. 蜜蜂在空中跳舞是告诉其他蜜蜂自己发现了食物,答案应是 B。

50. 蜜蜂的动作可以表示食物的位置以及离蜂窝的远近。答案应是 A。本答案从 give 的形式亦可推断出。

51 题应是 C。

52. 第二段的第一句是对下面的概括,从举例可以看出, 52 题答案应是 A。

53. 信息表示 danger 或其他。与 danger 相对的概念应是 B。

54-56.54 至 56 是对人交际的介绍。从上下文信息可推知, 54 为 A,55 为 A,56 为 C。

57. 鸟只能是“鹦鹉学舌”,答案为 B。

58. 鸟虽能重复人的语言,但不能明白其中的含义,本题答案为 B。

59. 用以表达思想,应是 use...to communicate ideas 。答案为 A。

60. 本文主要表达的是交际的方式,后半段皆着重在“说”上。因此 60 题答案应是 D。

61.as 后是 know 的宾语,应用 that 引导,答案为 A。

62.need 作实义动词,后接 to do 结构,考虑上下文时态,答案应是 C。

63. 从常识上讲,随着人类的进化,语言应是逐渐丰富,所以答案应是 C。

64. 从顺序上讲, 64 是填 then ,即 D。

65. 语言的发展是由音到词到句子,所以 65 题答案为 D。

III. Reading Comprehension (50 Points)

66. 从上下文来看“ took care of ”应是“ kept and used ”之意,答案为 D。

67. 从常理上看,将烧开的水倒入澡盆即可,所以本题答案为 C。

68. 从短文来判断,男女是分开洗澡的,答案应是 A。

69.1895 年时只有一些人有澡盆,说明答案是 D。

70. 短文最后一段“ That depended on... and on whether they could afford the plumbing ”说明答案应为 C。

71. 从全文的主题来看,恰当的标题应是 A。

72. 作者通过夏威夷的事例说明人们可以和平相处。答案为 B。

73. 从文中 lei 后的同位语可以推知,答案为 D。

74. 夏威夷人能够和平相处是他们实践中相处得来的认识,答案为 D。

75. 第三段首句“ Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors ”,说明答案为D。

76. 该篇文章介绍的是一次成功的飞行,答案应为 B。

77. 从“ the spaceship Astra ”来看,答案应是 C。

78. 文中“ forty-eight hours after the flight had started ,”说明答案应是 A。

79. 飞船停 20 分钟以便 Jackson 可以拍照,这一切都是按计划进行,答案为 C。

80.Life-line 的作用是使 Jackson 不至于飞离飞船,答案为 A。

81. 这是一个细节判断题,答案为 D。

82. 从王军霞还要参加辽宁省冬训看,答案应是 C。

83. 本题可以通过排除而知答案为 B。

84. 从文章报道的主要内容来判断,应是介绍王军霞的病情,答案为 C。

85. 从报道的方式来看应是摘自于报纸。答案为 C。

86. “Doctors there were unable to find out the cause of her illness, so she was sent to a famous hospital in London 。”说明答案应是 D。

87. 从医生会诊、气馁可见答案是 D。

88. 首先提到婴儿病因的是一位护士,即 D。

89. 婴儿中铊毒。因此答案应是 D。

90. 护士是在看小说时了解这一症状的,与婴儿并无任何关系。答案为 A。

IV Translation (20 Points)

91. I have come to a/the conclusion that such a plan will not work.

92. A suspicion/doubt sprang up in her mind.

93. Ancient Greece is called the origin of western civilization.

94. Only ten of the crew survived the shipwreck.

95. Don't rock the boat, you will throw it off balance and get it turned over.

V Writing (15 Points)


A proverb says: ” Time is money.” But I think time is even more precious than money. The reason is simple. When money is spent, we can earn it. However, when time is gone, it will never return. Therefore, we must value time.

Nowadays, some students do not realize that wasting time means wasting life.

They always take it for granted that they are young and they can afford to waste some of their time. For instance, some of them spend too much time in enjoying their lives like sleeping, shopping, playing video games instead of attending class; others in reading books of little value or importance. With the passage of time, they have got nothing useful or important. They should be fully aware that time flies like an arrow and life is limited, lost time and lost life is never regained.

Therefore, never waste any time. Now we are still young, and full of vigor and

vitality. We must value every minute and second. Let ’s make full use of time to study hard for our country














