

责编:唐丹平 2020-03-30

Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

The multi-billion-dollar Western pop music industry is under fire . It is being blamed by the United Nations for the dramatic rise in drug abuse worldwide, "The most worrying development is a culture of drug-friendliness,"says the UN's International Narcotics Control Board in a report released last year.

The 74-page study says the pop music, as a global industry, is by far the most influential trend-setter for young people of most cultures. "Some songs encourage people to take drugs. (78)Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle," the study says.

Surprisingly, says the Board, the effect of drug-friendly pop music seems to survive despite the occasional shock of death by overdose( 过量用药 ). "Such incidents end to be seen as an occasion to mourn ( 哀悼 ) the loss of a role model, and not an opportunity to face the deadly effect of drug use," it notes.

Since the 1970s, several internationally famous singer and movie stars —including Elvis Presley, Janice Jophlin, John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, Jonathan Melvin and Andy Gibbs — have died of either drug abuse or drug related illnesses.

With the globalization of popular music, messages promoting drug abuse are now

reaching beyond their countries of origin. "In most countries, the names of certain pop stars have become familiar to the members of every household," the study says.

The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug incidents, which encourages rather than prevents drug abuse. "Over the past years, we have seen how drug abuse is increasingly regarded as being acceptable or even attractive," says Hamid Ghodse, president of the Board. "Powerful pressure groups run political campains aimed at legalizing controlled drugs,"he says. Ghodse also points out that all these developments have created an environment which is tolerant ( 容忍的 ) of or even favorable to drug abuse and spoils international drug prevention efforts currently under way.

The study focuses on demand reduction and prevention within an environment that has become tolerant of drug abuse. The Board calls on governments to do their legal and moral duties, and to act against the pro-drug (赞成吸毒)messages of the youth culture to which young people increasingly are being exposed.

1. Which of the following statements does the author tend to agree with?

A. The use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes is an acceptable part of a person's lifestyle.

B. The spreading of pop music may cause drug abuse to beyond country boundaries.

C. No efforts have been made to prevent the spreading of drug abuse.

D. Governments have no ability at act against the pro-drug messages of the youth culture.

2. The expression "under fire" in the first paragraph means ________.

A. in an urgent situation

B. facing some problems

C. being criticized

D. in trouble

3. From the third paragraph, we learn that the youth ________.

A. tend to mourn the pop stars who died of overdose as role modes

B. are shocked to know even pop stars may abuse drugs

C. try to face the deadly effect of drug use

D. may stop abusing drugs

4. Which of the following is not mentioned as tolerant of drug abuse?

A. The spreading of pop music.

B. The media.

C. Political campaigns run by powerful pressure groups.

D. The low price of some drugs.

5. According to the passage, pop music ________

A. has a great influence on young people of most cultures

B. attracts a small number of young people

C. is not a profitable industry

D. is alone responsible for drug abuse

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

There are many older people in the world and there will be many more. A little-known fact is that over 60 percent of the older people live in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, by 2020 there will be 1 billion, with over 700 million living in developing countries.

It is a surprising fact that the population ageing is particularly rapid in developing countries. For example, it took France 115 years for the proportion of older people to double from 7 percent to 14 percent. It is estimated to take China a mere 27 years to achieve this same increase.

What are the implications of these increased numbers of older folk? (76)One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live, the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability( 残疾 ). Attention is being paid to the need to keep people as healthy as possible, including during old age, to lessen the financial burden on the state.

(77)Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society. In some African countries, certainly in Asia, older people are respected and regarded as the ones with special knowledge. Yet traditions are fading away daily, which does not ensure the continued high regard of older people. As society changes, attitudes will change.

Much needs to be done to get rid of age discrimination( 歧视 )in employment.

Life-long learning programs need to be provided to enable older people to be active members in a country's development.

Social security policies need to be established to provide adequate income protection for older people. Both public and private schemes are vital in order to build a suitable safety net.

6. The proportion of older people________.

A. is bigger in developed countries than in developing countries

B. is one-seventh of the population in developing countries

C. will increase much faster in China than in France

D. will be sixty percent in developing countries by 2020

7. According to passage, which of the following are governments most worried about?

A. The diseases and disability of older people.

B. The longer life and good health of people.

C. The loss of taxes on older people.

D. The increasing respect for older people.

8. It is stated directly in the passage that older people should ________.

A. be treated differently in different cultures

B. enjoy a similar lifestyle

C. be ignored as society changes

D. be valued by the yonger generations

9. Which of the following measure is NOT mentioned to solve the population ageing problem?

A. Getting rid of age discrimination in employment.

B. Ensuring adequate income protection for older people.

C. Ensuring adequate income protection for older people.

D. Providing free health care for sick older people.

E. Supplying life-long learning programs to older people.

10. The author concludes in the last paragraph that ________.

A. governments have spent lots of time in solving the ageing problem

B. population ageing is a hard problem, but it needs to be solved urgently

C. people are too busy to solve the population ageing problem

D. much time and effort will be lost in solving the ageing problem

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

(79)Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades. The research suggests that the pace of economic progress has been rapid and continued for decades, built on the foundations of relative political stability, rising trade, and economic liberalization( 自由化 )after two world wars. One new study, published recently by the Institute for International Economics in Washington, find that the proportion of the 6.1 billion people in the world who live on $1 a day or less shrank from 63 percent in 1950 to 35 percent in 1980 and 12 percent in 1999. by some other measures, the progress has been more modest. Still, economists agree that poverty has plunged in key nations such as India and especially China,thanks to slowing population growth as well as economic freedom. "This is a huge success for the world as a whole," says Harvard University economist Richard Cooper. "We are doing something right."

The news comes as the World Bank is about to open its annual meeting in Washington- an event that has been troubled in recent years by protests that the Bank and its sister Institution, the International Monetary Fund(IMF 国际货币组织 ) , have done too little for the world's poor. (80)The new economic esearch will not put an end to that dispute. Vast populations remain poor, and many still question the wisdom of World Bank policies. Nonetheless, the research findings are helpful to understand what policies should be followed by those institutions and hundreds of other development groups working very hard to hasten the pace of world economic progress. If dramatic gains are under way,the present policies-calling for open arkets, free business activities, and tight monetary control-are working and correct.But critics of IMF and World Bank policies maintain that such economic success stories as Japan, China, South Korea and Singapore are rooted in more than just "free" markets. These nations have managed to grow rapidly, and thereby reduce poverty, by limiting imports when their domestic industries were young, pushing exports to rich nations, and putting controls on purely international financial flows. The have been open to foreign-owned factories but have often insisted that those investors share the nowledge and skill on modern technologies.

11. The word "plunged" in the first paragraph means ________.

A. decreased B. climbed C. increased D. dropped into water

12. From the passage, we learn that ______.

A. World Bank has done nothing to help the poor in the world

B. IMF only helps the rich in the world

C. World Bank controls all the banks in the world

D. There are some demonstrations against World Bank in recent years

13. According to this passage, in _____, the world had the largest number of poor people.

A. 1999 B. 1980 C. 1950 D. 1990

14. According to the author, the economy of East Asian countries grew very fast because of the following measures EXCEPT ______.

A. encouraging export

B. opening up to foreign investments

C. limiting international financial flows

D. controlling import

15. The best title for this passage might be ______.

A. China's Contribution to the Reduction of Poverty in the World

B. World Bank's Extraordinary Progress in Recent Decades

C. India's Leading Role in Reducing Global Poverty

D. Global Progress in Reducing Poverty

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

16. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which ________ of

the parents spoke the language.

A. none B. neither C. both D. each

17. You'd better go there by train. The train ticket is _______ the plane ticket.

A. as cheap three times as B. as three times cheap as

C. three times as cheap as D. cheaper three times than

18. This new machine is technically far ________ to the previous type.

A. superior B. junior C. senior D. equal

19. There is a great deal of evidence ________ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.

A. indicate B. indicating C. indicated D. to be indicating

20. She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few days ________ stress.

A. because of B. in spite of C. instead of D. in honor of

21. ________ is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London.

A. It B. What C. As D. Which

22. The discovery of these tombs is ________ for scholars' studying Chinese history.

A. of very important B. great significant

C. of great significance D. greatly importance

23. Sean's strong love for his country is ________ in his recently published poems.

A. relieved B. reflected C. responded D. recovered

24. Would you please keep silent? The weather report ________ and I want to listen.

A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast

C. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast

25. The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.

A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out

26. The man moved ________ forward and looked over the edge, shrinking his shoulders.

A. accurately B. cautiously C. brilliantly D. disappointedly

27. The police are trying to find out the ________ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.

A. evidence B. recognition C. identity D. status

28. By no means ________ to her parents.

A. this is the first time has she lied

B. this is the first time does she tell a lie

C. is this the first time she has lied

D. is this the first time she was lying

29. Climate change will greatly _______ wheat and rice production if nations don't take steps now.

A. fall B. leak C. lack D. reduce

30. She always buys ________ my birthday.

A. something awful to B. anything awful to

C. something nice for D. anything nice for

31. He failed to live up to _______ had been expected of him.

A. what B. which C. that D. all

32. It is very ________ of you to arrange an early meeting between your boss and our team.

A. considerate B. considerable C. considering D. considered

33. I would have told him about the change of time for the class, _______

to class last time.

A. did he come B. he came C. had he come D. he had come

34. The wind was so strong last night that is tore the ______ of the ship into two or three pieces.

A. mask B. mine C. sail D. satellite

35. ________ all the money people here spend eating out, restaurants'profit is still below five percent.

A. Despite B. Thanks to C. Since D. Like

36. Many a man ________ life is meaningless without a purpose.

A. thinks B. thinking C. have thought D. think

37. John left home twenty minutes ago. It is usually half an hour's drive from his home to the office here. So he ________ soon.

A. should have arrived B. need arrive

C. must have arrived D. may arrive

38. ________ Hongkong is often regarded as ________ international centre for business, finance and tourism.

A. / ; an B. An ; / C. The ; / D. / ; the

39. They went ________ the schedule for the conference again and again until they felt satisfied with every detail of it.

A. out B. up C. over D. by

40. Schools should teach our kids various subjects, and moreover teach them how to ________ right from wrong.

A. run B. take C. tell D. put

41. By the time you finish your homework, all of us ________ ours at hand,I'm sure.

A. will finish B. will have finished

C. have finished D. have been finishing

42. In time of trouble Charlie could always ________ a solution.

A. put aside B. look down upon C. break out D. come up with

43. Before building a house, you will have to ________ the government's permission.

A. get from B. follow C. receive D. ask for

44. The director had her assistant ________ some hot dogs for the staff members.

A. picked up B. picks up C. pick up D. picking up

45. ________ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.

A. To throw B. Thrown C. Throwing D. Being thrown

Part Ⅲ Identification (10%)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

46. When you've finished with that book, don't forget to put is back on the shelf, won't you?



47. The workers in the factory demanded that their pay would be raised by 20 percent.


48. It remains to see whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.


49. I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner, but neither of them came.


50. Over the past 20years , the internet has helped change our world in either way or another


for the better.


51. How and why this language has survived for more than a thousand years,while spoke by very



few, is hard to explain.


52. Nearly half of Americans aged 25 and old take part in some form of continuing education.


53. Many parents feel they need to keep a closer eye to their children because of concerns about



crime and school violence.

54. For married mothers, the time spend on child care increased to an average of 12.9 hours a


week in 2009.

55. There is an increasingly amount of evidence that more and more young people are taking an



active interest in politics.


Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each lank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Of all the websites, one that has attracted attention recently is myspace.com. Most of this attention has come from the media and tells every reason ___56___ the website should be ___57___. The threat of Internet predators( 窃掠者 ) is indeed a tough reality, ___58___ shutting down the site is not the answer. If myspace.com ___59___ shut down, another site would quickly ___60___ its place. Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them ___61___ who may be predators and how to __ 62___them.

The key to ___63___ safe on the Internet is to make sure that your profile( 个人资料 ) is secure. The ___64___ way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to "private", which protects your information ___65___ only the people on your friend list can view it. Although this is ___66___, it is not perfect. Predators can find ways to view your profile if they really want to, ___67___ through backing in ( 黑客入侵 ) or figuring out their way onto your friend list. Thus, you should never post too much personal ___68___. Some people actually post their home and school addresses, date to birth, and so on,often ___69___ predators know exactly where they will by and ___70___.

The most information that is safe is your first name and province. Anything more is basically ___71___ a predator into your life.

Another big problem is photos. I suggest ___72___ skipping photos and never posting a photo of a friend online without his or her ___73___.

Most important, never, ___74___ any circumstances, agree to a real-life meeting with anyone you meet online, ___75___ how well you think you know this person. There are no guarantees that they have told the truth.

56. A. what B. how C. why D. which

57. A. shut down B. open up C. get into D. turn on

58. A. but B. even C. despite D. since

59. A. is B. are C. was D. were

60. A. get B. make C. take D. push

61. A. as B. about C. for D. in

62. A. avoid B. get C. benefit D. hide

63. A. stay B. staying C. stayed D. staying

64. A. difficult B. simplest C. simple D. most difficult

65. A. as to B. no matter C. so that D. because

66. A. efficient B. interesting C. effective D. impressive

67. A. if B. whether C. however D. whatever

68. A. information B. documents C. files D. messages

69. A. let B. make C. allow D. letting

70. A. what B. why C. when D. how

71. A. introducing B. inviting C. investing D. interrupting

72. A. partly B. mostly C. lastly D. completely

73. A. favor B. rule C. information D. permission

74. A. above B. under C. below D. at

75. A. no matter B. even if C. unless D. also

Part Ⅴ Translation (20%)

Section A

Directions: In this part, there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.

76. , Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle ,

77.One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live, the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability( 残疾 ).

78.Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society.

79.Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades.

80. The new economic research will not put an end to that dispute.

Section B

Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.

81 今天早上他起床晚了,所以没有赶上火车。

82. 你们昨天的会议得出什么结论了吗?

83. 我在回家的路上,买了一本英汉词典。

84. 一直到 12 月下旬,他们才让我加入他们小组。



Part I 阅读理解:

1-5 BCADA 6-10 C A D C B 11-15 A D C B D

Part II 词汇与语法:

16-20 B C A B A 21-25 B C B B C 26-30 B C C D C 31-35 A A C C A

36 -40 A D A C C 41-45 B D D C C

Part III 挑错:

46-50 D C B D C 51-55 C C B B A 46. D 应改为 will you?

47. C 应改为 should be 48. B 应改为 to be seen 49. D 应改为 none of

50. C 应改为 one 51. C 应改为 being spoken 52. C 应改为 older 53. B 应改为 on

54. B 应改为 spent 55. A 应改为 increasing

Part IV 完型填空:

56-60 CAADC 61-65 BADBC 66-70 CBADC 71-75 BDDBA

Part V 翻译

A. 英译汉

76. , Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a per son’s lifestyle,

( 考点: as if+ 虚拟语气 )



77. One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live, the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability. ( 考点: the more, the more , 句型 )


78. Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society. ( 主+表+宾 +动词不定式短

语作后置定语 )


79. Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades. ( 主+谓+宾语从句 ;make progress in , )


80. The new economic research will not put an end to that dispute 。

(put an end to , = end = stop 句子主干可简化为: research will not stop



B. 汉译英

81. 今天早上他起床晚了,所以没有赶上火车。

82. 你们昨天的会议得出什么结论了吗 ?

83. 我在回家的路上,买了一本英汉词典。

84. 一直到 12 月下旬,他们才让我加入他们小组。

85. 我父亲在找工作,我母亲在医院照看外祖母。

81. He overslept and got up too late this morning and that was why he missed the train 。

82. What conclusions did you reach in yesterday ’s meeting? 或 What was the outcome of your meeting yesterday?

83. I bought an English-Chinese dictionary on my way home 。

84. They didn ’t let me join their group until late December 。

85. My father is looking for a job and my mother is looking after grandmother in the hospital 。






