
2019年成人高考高起点《英语》模拟试题及答案 (三)

责编:唐丹平 2020-03-30

2019年成人高考高起点《英语》模拟试题及答案 ( 三)

1. _____, I have to put it away and focus my attention

on study this week.

A. However the story is amusing

B. No matter amusing the story is

C. However amusing the story is

D. No matter how the story is amusing

【答案】 C。本题考查的是状语从句的连接词。无论这个故事有

多么有趣,但是这个星期我必须把它搁在一边,认真学习。 However后

面要直接加形容词。所以选择 C。

22. 【答案】 D。考查词义的辨别。为了女儿的身体健康,她决定搬家到一个气候温暖的地方去。 A天气, B 温度, C季节, D气候。此外 weather( 天气 )是不可数的,前面不能加 a。而 climate 是可数名词。

2. No sooner had we sat down ___ we found it was time to


A. than B. when C. as D while

【答案】 A 考察的是固定搭配 . no sooner …than.. “一…

就…” no sooner 位于句首 , 部分倒装 . 句意是“我们一坐下就发现到

走的时候了 . ”

3. _______ you feel too ill to go out. I would rather

not stay at home tonight.

A. Because B Although C. Unless D. If

【答案】 C 这句话的意思是“除非你病的无法出门了,要不然我还是不情愿呆在家里”。 Unless 除非, although 虽然, if 如果,because 因为

4. No sooner ____ got to the station than it began to

rain heavily.

A. had I B. have I C. I had D. I have

【答案】 A 本句考察 no sooner …than …句型。 no sooner 引导的句子要部分倒装 ; 而 no sooner 后接的事件比 than 后的事件要更早发生,属于过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。综上,选 A

5. He opened the door and let himself in quietly ___ not o bother the family.

A. because B. so as C. so that D. despite

【答案】 B A 和 C项都需要接从句 ;D 项接名词或动名词结构 ; 只有 B项符合要求。 so as to :以便…… ; 使得:后面接不定式结构 ;so as not to :以免……。

6. No sooner had they got the goods covered up ___ it

started raining hard.

A. when B. than C. then D. after

【答案】 B。no sooner …..than …一…就… ;hardly …when…

一…; 就…;scarcely …when…一…就…。 No sooner had I lain down

than the telephone rang. 我刚躺下,电话铃就响了。 Scarcely had

the baby cried when the nurse rushed to carry him. 婴儿一哭保姆就赶快去抱他。本句的意思是:“他们刚把货物盖好,就开始下雨了。”

7. ____, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours.

A. Strong as he is B. The stronger he is

C. Strong man that he is D. For he is strong

【答案】 A. 本题考查 as 引导让步状语从句时的特殊用法,即部分倒装 --- adj. as sb is, 表示转折关系,下面的句子的意思一般和形容词的词义相反。所以选 A。

8. Americans eat _____ vegetables per person today as

they did in 1910.

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many D. more than twice as many

【答案】 C。本题考查的是比较状语从句。倍数 +as many + as +

被比较物。与 1910年代相比,平均每个美国人吃两倍以上的蔬菜。

9. _____ I accept that the plan is not perfect, I do actually like it.

A. When B. Since C. while C. Unless

【答案】 C。考察状语从句的引导词。 While 表转折“虽然”。

10. How many more decades will have to pass _____

scientists succeed in providing a cure for cancer?

A. when B. before C. since D. until

【答案】 B。本题考查的是固定句式。还要有多少年过去之后,科学家才能够成功地发现治疗癌症的方法。 When当……时候, before在……之前, since 自从, until 直到。

11. ___ many people prefer coffee, he drinks tea as


A. While B. Besides of C. Because of D. Except

【答案】 A 由句意:即使很多人喜欢咖啡,他还是照旧喝茶。此句前后是一个对比关系。 While 能够表示对比关系,而其它项不可。

because of :因为。 Besides :除了…… ( 还有 ) 。except :除了。

12. No sooner ____ got to the station than it began to rain heavily.

A. had I B. have I C. I had D. I have

【答案】 A 本句考察 no sooner …than …句型。 no sooner 引导的句子要部分倒装 ; 而 no sooner 后接的事件比 than 后的事件要更早发生,属于过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。综上,选 A

13._____their country has plenty of oil, ours has none.

A. While B. Where C. When D. Unless

【答案】 A。考状语的连接词。 While 表示对比,事情同时发生选择 A。在他们国家有很多石油的同时,我们国家没有太多的石油。

14. Young ___ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.

A. that B. as C. although D. however

【答案】 B。as 引导的让步状语从句要倒装。能够有以下几种情况:adj+as+ 主语+系动词 be:Young as he is, he knows a lot of things. 虽然他年龄不大,可知道的事情很多。 n(不带冠词 )+as+主语+系动词 be:King as he is, he is unhappy. 虽然他是个国王,不过他并不快乐。 adv+as+主语+动词: Much as I like it, I won ’t buy it 虽然我很喜欢它,但是我还是不买它。 V+as+主语+助动词: Try as

she does, she will never pass it. 无论她怎样努力,她也不会通过的。

15. ___ you return those books to the library

immediately you will have to pay a fine.

A. Until B. Unless C. If D. Provided

【答案】 B 根据句意判断应该选 B(unless :除非 ),意即“如果不……就会……”。 provided :倘若……,只要。 A、C和 D都和句意

相反。 pay a fine :交罚款。

16. _____ for a long time, but he tried his best to catch up with his classmates.

A. Having been ill B. Being ill C. Though he was ill D.

He was ill

【答案】 D。本题考查的是连词的应用。因为 but 后面连接的是

完整的句子,所以 but 前面也要连接整个句子。排除 A、B。而英文中

“though”和“ but ”不能连在一起使用,所以不选 C。所以此题选择


17. The old gentleman never fails to help ___ is in need

of his help.

A. whom B. who C. whoever D. whomever

【答案】 C 本句考查关系代词引导的宾语从句的用法。 whoever引导的宾语从句, whoever 在从句中做主语。本句的意思是:“这位老年人总是乐于协助每一个需要协助的人。” A、D不能担任句子主语,所以 C最符合题意。

18. ______ at Harvard, he began to write his essay.

A. Busy was as he B. Busy as was he C. Busy as he was D.

As was he busy

【答案】 C 本句考查让步状语从句的用法。 as 引导让步状语从句

时,句子部分倒装。如: Young as he is ,he knows a lot of things. 虽然他年龄不大,可知道的事情很多。本句意思是:“虽然他在哈佛大学很忙,但他又开始写作了。”

19. _____ the price is, they are prepared to pay.

A. However B. whichever C. whatever D. wherever

【答案】 C。考察让步状语从句及其引导词。 However 表示“无论如何”, whichever 表示“无论哪一个”, wherever 表示“无论在哪里”。所以选择 C。

20. ____ I admit that there are problems, I don ’t agree that they cannot be solved.

A. When B. As C. While D. Since

【答案】 C while 在这里为“即使”。句意为:即使我承认有问题,但我不同意这些问题不能被解决。






