

责编:唐丹平 2020-03-30



1 、Let `s ,shall we, 之类的建议回答多半是 that`s a /sounds great idea, great ,amazing,

terrific ,fantastic, why not , 如果不同意, I am sorry, I am afraid not 引出句子,如果是介于无所

谓的态度,常用 up to you , it`s up to you ,whatever you say . 同时根据这类的对话往往是好朋


A: Let`s eat out tonight ,I don`t feel like cooking .

B: ____ what do you fancy ?

A: I think Japanese food would make a nice change.

A: me too. B :Do you C: well ,why not D: so what ?

A: shall we have Chinese food or American food ?

B: _____

A: there is good steak house around the corner .

A: you have nothing in mind

B: it doesn`t matter

C: I have no choice

D: whatever you say (08 年)

A: Let `s go picnic this Saturday.(12 年考题 )

B: don`t you think it`s still a bit chilly at this time of year ?


A: no wonder B: cheer up C: up to you D: come on

A: Today is Sunday , what about going to the Science Museum ?

B: ______ (10 年)

A: take it easy

B : let`s call it a day

C: that `s a good idea

D: it`s very kind of you

A: what about going to do some shopping this afternoon ?(09)

B: __________

A: go ahead , please B: good idea

C: me, too D: help yourself

第二类:关于邀请及回答,常见 would you ,I`d like to , thanks ….., of course ,I wish ….或是根据题目意思直接表达。不同意就回答 No,thanks

A: would you like to go with me for a movie tonight ? (12 年)

B: ______

A : you name it . B I hope you don`t mind

C: if I can finish my homework D: thank you for inviting me

A: Excuse me ,sir , would you please tell me how to get to Beijing Hotel ?

B: ____ would you like to take a bus or walk ?(11 年)

A: All right B : It`s Ok C: yes , of course D: Don`t mention it .

A: would you like to come to the party Friday evening ?

B: _______


A: That`a right B: yes , I `d like to C: I `ll be late D: no, never mind

A: would you like to have tea with us ?

B: No, thank you ._______

A: you must come again

A: I wish I can B: I must be going C: I `ve had enough D: I am all right

第三大类:征求意见 ,通常情况下,询问对方对某人或某事的看法或介意某事情,用 what do you think of sth ? 或 how did you like ? 回答常用“好”或“坏”之类的形容词来表示 ; 有时对委婉征求意见最简单的回答同意就用 :yes, please, thanks ,go ahead, 有时候会用 not at all , 不同意就用 sorry, I am afraid not .No, thanks 等 但是题目常用混淆答案

A : how did you find your visit to the museum , Edie ? (10 年)

B: ___________

A : I went there all by myself B :oh, wonderful , indeed

C: my friend showed me there D: by taking a No.2 bus

A: how do you get along with your new music teacher ?

B: Ms Davis ? ____ but i like her a lot . (09)

A: she`s humorous B: she`s nice to me

C: she `s a bit strange D: she `s good at dancing

A: let me repeat . how would you describe your personality ? (12 )

B: ________

A: yes , I got you this time

B: I missed your question just now

C: I think my personality is right for you

D: I guess I am responsible and outgoing

A: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal ?(09)

B: __________

A: yes , you go B : yes , go C: yes ,let`s D: yes , please

A: you said we could discuss a problem you had when you first come to US. would you

like to tell me your problem ? (08)

B: ______

A: yes , of course B: thanks, I `d love to

C: well , as you said D: I don`t think so

A: ___ a few questions on the subject of solar energy (12)

B: Ok, go ahead

A: I guess I can ask you B : I `d like to ask you

C: I`d better ask you D I want to bother you with

A: do you mind waiting outside for a moment ? (12)

B: ______

A not at all B: yes , please C: I guess so D : I sure do

第四大类: 表示相互祝贺及回答 ,祝贺别人通常用 great, well done , wonderful 等形容词, 而对于别人的祝贺与赞扬,一般用 thanks 或表示开心乐意之类的话语来回答

A:You give us a wonderful party , Mrs Johnson .(10 年)

B: ________

A: don`t say so B: I am glad to enjoy it


C: it is very interesting for you say so

D: oh ,I am afraid I didn`t organize it well

A: I have just pass my exam, I feel so relieve now

B: ______

A: Thank you B: well done C: cheer up D: my pleasure

A: how nice you new dress looks on you !

B: _______

A: Thanks . B yours is nice, too C: I bought it yesterday . D really

第五大类: 最新的情景对话: 交通,惊讶

A: sir , _______?

B: yes sir , you ran through the stop sign, may I see you your driver license , please ?(11)

A: why do you stop me B: what are you doing

C: are you stopping me D: did I do anything wrong

A: I didn`t know this one-way street ,sir .(10)

B: _______

A: it`s different B how do you do ?

C: how dare you say that D: sorry , but that `s no excuse

A: Caroline must have left since your train arrived so late .(12)

B: To my surprise , I found her waiting for me at the station .

A: _______

A: what a pity B : how kind C: good for her D: No kidding

Out of question

Out of the question

I couldn`t agree more .

None of your business

It is my own business .

Mind your own business

Be careful



It `s real bargain .

Let sb down

I won`t let you down !

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 1)

Jane: Carol,you look very well.

Carol:Thank you,Jane. You look Wonderful too.Your weekend tennis must have done you good.

Jane: ________.

a. That"s very kind of you

b. Are you kidding? Thank you anyway

c. You think so?That"s encouraging

d. I don"t believe it.You are flattering me

c. You think so?That"s encouraging

That"s very kind of you. 表示对别人帮忙的致谢。

Thank you anyway. 在求助未果后的致谢。

I don"t believe it.You are flattering me. 不符合英语习惯,即便对方的话只是恭维,回答也不要造



Li: Hello.I"m ringing about the flat advertised in today"s Star.____?

Mrs.Green: Yes,it is.Two or three people have rung up about it,but nobody"s been to see it yet.

a. Is it still available

b. Is it still empty

c. Is it still free

d. Is it still blank

a. Is it still available

empty: 空的

free : 免费、自由

blank :(纸张,表格等)空白



Customer: Excuse me!

Clerk: Yes ma"am? What can I do for you?

Customer: I have a problem with this coffer maker,and I want my money back.

Clerk: ______?

Customer: The problem is that it doesn"t work! I"ve only used it three times.

a. why

b. well,are you sure

c. What"s the matter with it on earth

d. Well,what seems to be the problem



At a Party.

Adam: This is a great apartment.

Tammy: I think so,too.______?

Adam: No,I"m Adam. I came with Carl. I don"t really know anyone here.

Carl"s told me about most of his friends,but I can"t match the names with

the faces.

a. Excuse me,but do I know you


b. Excuse me,could I know you

c. Excuse me,do you mind telling me your name

d. Excuse me,but do you know me

a. Excuse me,but do I know you? 请问我们以前见过面吗?


Salegirl: Good morning,miss.Can I help you?

Mary: Yes,I"d like half a kilo orange,please.

Salegirl:________. Anything else?

Mary: No,thank you.

a. These oranges are for you

b. Give you the oranges

c. There you are

d. Here are you

销售员把东西给顾客时说 “给您 ”对应的英语: There you are.


Wang: I"ve got an appointment.I"m going to meet a friend in London at 3 p.m.

It"s already a quarter past 2.________.

David:I"m going into London.I can give you a lift if you like.

Wang: Could you really? That would be great.

a. I"ll never make it

b. I"ll never do it

c. I"ll never reach it

d. I"ll never attain it

a. I"ll never make it. 表示 “根本做不到 ”


Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you?

Mr.Smith: Yes,I"d like a ticket to New York 9:15 tomorrow morning.

Clerk: _______?

Mr.Smith: Single,please

a. Single or two

b. Single or return

c. Single or double

d. Single or back

b. Single or return. 表示 “要单程票还是往返票


Ted: Hi,Christine.___________?

Christine: Hi,Ted.I just bought a new camping tent.I can"t wait to use it.

a. What"s on

b. What"s up

c. What"s wrong

d. What"s right


b. What"s up.

What"s up? 表示 “忙什么 ?”或“什么事 ?”

What"s on? 表示 “放映什么? ”

What"s wrong? 表示 “出了什么问题? ”

What"s right? 表示 “什么是对的? ”


Jane: Hello Sally.Fancy meeting you here!

Sally:Hello,Jane.Haven"t seen you for a long time.You"ve got marride,haven"t you"

Jane: Yes,I have.I got married four years ago.


a. Oh,wish you happiness

b. Oh,really?Enjoy yourself

c. Oh,my congratulations

d. Oh,is it?Have a happy life

c. Oh,my congratulations



Phone call.

Daughter: Ok,Dad.Nice talking to you and glad everything"s all right._______.

Dad: All right.Good-bye.

Daughter: Good-bye,Dad.

a. Say"How are you?" to Mom

b. Say"Are you OK" to Mom

c. Give Mom our care

d. Give Mom our love

d. Give Mom our love 转达对母亲的问候

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 2)

Shop assistant: Good morning.Can I help you?

Customer: _________.I"m just looking round.

a. No,you can"t

b. Not at the moment,thanks

c. Yes,please

d. Yes,thank you


Ann: Do you still have a headache,Bill?

Bill:Yes,I do.And now I have a fever and cough constantly.


a. That"s very regerful

b. That"s pitiful

c. That"s too bad

d. That"s worse



Marie: Your little boy has done a good job at school.

Eva: ___________.

a. Yes,you are very kind

b. No,you"er too polite

c. Thanks,but you"er exaggerating

d. Yes,I"m pround of him


Nancy: Hello,Ted.What"s wrong with your arm?

Ted: I broke it when I was skating on the holiday.

Nancy: Oh,no!__________

Ted: Much better,thanks.

a. What a nuisance!

b. How awful!

c. Why was that?

d. What a trouble!


Paul: Do you have to have that TV on quite so loud?

Carol:______.Is it bothering you?

Paul: Yes,I"m trying to sleep.

a. Oh,I"m sorry

b. Oh,excuse me

c. No,I don"t

d. Yes,I have to


Samuel: Hey,________?

Diana: I wish I could.But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.

Samuel: Oh,maybe some other time,then.

a. Can I come to visit you tonight

b. Shall we have a barbecue some day this week

c. Would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

d. John will leave Chicago tonight.Shall we go to see him off



Dora: Really?Well, personally,I think he wears the wrong colors.Actually light colors don"t really

suit him.

a. I don"t think Bob has chosen the right suit.

b. I love the way Bob dresses.He always looks so smart.

c. How funny Bob looks in that jacket!

d. Bob"s new coat looks very expensive.


Emily: Did anybody sign your petition?

Gordon:Yes,we had a hundred signatures,_______.

a. if no more

b. if not more

c. if moreover


d. if not larger


Policeman: OK,buddy,your driving license.How fast were you going?

William: Well it was about 50 mph or less.I was driving very slowly.

Policeman: 50 mph?_____ All right.That"ll be one hundred dollars.

a. Don"t you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?

b. Don"t you know the controlled speed downtown is 40 mph?

c. You need to fix your car.

d. You drive in the wrong way.


Tommy: Mommy,when will we have dinner?I"m starving.

Mother: _______.We have to wait for daddy.

a. Soon,honey

b. Quickly,honey

c. O.K.,honey

d. All right,honey

1、b. Not at the monent,thanks

店员询问 “你要点什么? ”,顾客若马上要买东西,则回答 “Yes,please ”;如果暂时不买,则可说

“Not at the moment ”

2、c. That"s too bad


3、d. Yes,I"m pround of him


Yes,you are very kind 在别人帮忙了自己,或说了有益于自己的话才使用。

4、b. How awful!


What a nuisance! 表示厌烦

Why wad that? 是一帮询问

What a trouble! 表示 “真是个麻烦 ”

5、a. Oh,I"m sorry


6、c. Would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

7、b. I love the way Bob dresses.He always looks so smart.

8、b. if not more

Gordon 的回答的意思 “至少有一百个人签名 ”

9、a. Don"t you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?

限速用 “speed limit ”

10 、a. Soon,honey 表示 “快了,宝贝 ”

Quickly 表示快速

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 3)

Shop assistant: Good morning.Can I help you?

Customer: _________.I"m just looking round.

a. No,you can"t

b. Not at the moment,thanks

c. Yes,please

d. Yes,thank you



Ann: Do you still have a headache,Bill?

Bill:Yes,I do.And now I have a fever and cough constantly.


a. That"s very regerful

b. That"s pitiful

c. That"s too bad

d. That"s worse


Marie: Your little boy has done a good job at school.

Eva: ___________.

a. Yes,you are very kind

b. No,you"er too polite

c. Thanks,but you"er exaggerating

d. Yes,I"m pround of him


Nancy: Hello,Ted.What"s wrong with your arm?

Ted: I broke it when I was skating on the holiday.

Nancy: Oh,no!__________

Ted: Much better,thanks.

a. What a nuisance!

b. How awful!

c. Why was that?

d. What a trouble!


Paul: Do you have to have that TV on quite so loud?

Carol:______.Is it bothering you?

Paul: Yes,I"m trying to sleep.

a. Oh,I"m sorry

b. Oh,excuse me

c. No,I don"t

d. Yes,I have to


Samuel: Hey,________?

Diana: I wish I could.But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.

Samuel: Oh,maybe some other time,then.

a. Can I come to visit you tonight

b. Shall we have a barbecue some day this week

c. Would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

d. John will leave Chicago tonight.Shall we go to see him off



Dora: Really?Well, personally,I think he wears the wrong colors.Actually light colors don"t really

suit him.

a. I don"t think Bob has chosen the right suit.


b. I love the way Bob dresses.He always looks so smart.

c. How funny Bob looks in that jacket!

d. Bob"s new coat looks very expensive.


Emily: Did anybody sign your petition?

Gordon:Yes,we had a hundred signatures,_______.

a. if no more

b. if not more

c. if moreover

d. if not larger


Policeman: OK,buddy,your driving license.How fast were you going?

William: Well it was about 50 mph or less.I was driving very slowly.

Policeman: 50 mph?_____ All right.That"ll be one hundred dollars.

a. Don"t you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?

b. Don"t you know the controlled speed downtown is 40 mph?

c. You need to fix your car.

d. You drive in the wrong way.


Tommy: Mommy,when will we have dinner?I"m starving.

Mother: _______.We have to wait for daddy.

a. Soon,honey

b. Quickly,honey

c. O.K.,honey

d. All right,honey

1、b. Not at the monent,thanks

店员询问 “你要点什么? ”,顾客若马上要买东西,则回答 “Yes,please ”;如果暂时不买,则可说“Not at the moment ”

2、c. That"s too bad


3、d. Yes,I"m pround of him


Yes,you are very kind 在别人帮忙了自己,或说了有益于自己的话才使用。

4、b. How awful!


What a nuisance! 表示厌烦

Why wad that? 是一帮询问

What a trouble! 表示 “真是个麻烦 ”

5、a. Oh,I"m sorry


6、c. Would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

7、b. I love the way Bob dresses.He always looks so smart.

8、b. if not more

Gordon 的回答的意思 “至少有一百个人签名 ”

9、a. Don"t you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?


限速用 “speed limit ”

10 、a. Soon,honey 表示 “快了,宝贝 ”

Quickly 表示快速

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 4)

Cab driver: Here you are,sir.Queens Hotel.

Passenger: How much is it?

Cab driver: Three dollars and seventy-five cents.

Passenger: Here is four dollars._______.

a. Don"t give me the rest

b. It"s not necessary to give me the coins

c. Keep the change

d. I give up the pocket money


Customer: Excuse me,sir.

Clerk: _________

Customer: I"d like to cash a check.Would you please tell me which window should I go to?

Clerk:You can cash checks over there at window 6.

a. What?Can I help you?

b. Yes,may I help you?

c. It"s all right.

d. It doesn"t matter.


Patient: Excuse me miss.I made an appointment to see Dr.Smith at 4 o"clock this afternoon.My

name is Ralph Williams.

Nurse: Let me check,...yes,Mr.Williams._______.You may go in now.

a. Dr.Smith is hopping you now

b. Dr.Smith is wishing you now

c. Dr.Smith is expecting you now

d. Dr.Smith is waiting you now


Doctor: Have you lost weight recently,Mr.Bush?

Bush: No,doctor.Actually,___________.

a. I"ve become three pounds fatter

b. I"ve got three pounds weight

c. I"ve added to three pounds

d. I"ve put on three pounds


Mr.Woods: I"d like a double room for tonight.

Clerk: _________?

Mr.Woods: Yes.I called you last week from New York.My name is George Woods.

a. Have you made an order

b. Have you paid beforehand

c. Do you have a reservation

d. Do you have an appointment



Clerk: Would you sign the register,please?

Mr.Woods: Sure.______,does my room have a private bath?

Clerk: Certainly.Every room in this hotel have a private bath.

a. On the contrary

b. By the way

c. In any case

d. Sorry to trouble you


Roger: Hurry up!We don"t have much time left.

Dick:______.We still have two hours.

Roger: Come on!This is my first time ever to take a plane.I don"t want anything to go wrong.

a. Go on

b. Take it easy

c. All right

d. Look out


Hairdresser: How would you like to do your hair today?The same style as usual?

Mrs.Lee: I have a special party to attend tonight,and I"d like to change styles.

Hairdresser: Very well.You"re not in a hurry,are you?

Mrs.Lee: No.____.

a. Be relaxed

b. Take it easy

c. Don"t worry

d. Take your time


Shop-assistant: May I help you,sir?

Mr.Blair:Er...I want to buy my wife a gift for Christmas,but I don"t know what she would like.

Shop-assistant: ______?These are all from Paris.

Mr.Blair: No.She has very good taste in clothes.I don"t want to take the risk.

a. Do you want to buy a pair of shoes

b. What about a gole necklace

c. How about an evening gown

d. Don"t you think a gold watch would be very nice


Daughter: (in the kitchen): Shall I turn on the burner?

Mother:_____.I haven"t finished peeling the potato.

a. No,not yet

b. No,not still

c. No,not already

d. No,not just

1、c. keep the change

顾客付款时说 “不用找零了 ”,英语习惯说 “keep the change ”

2、b. Yes,may I help you?


3、c. Dr.Smith is expecting you now

病人按照预约来看病,医生事先也知道,按计划接待,要是用表示期待的词 expect

hope,wish 只表示希望,没有预先知道的意思

wait 后面有了 for 才可以带宾语

4、d. I"ve put on three pounds

减肥 lose weight

长胖了 put on weight

5、c. Do you have a reservation

make an order 订货

pay 付款

have an appointment 约会

reversation 预定房间

6、b. By the way


7、b. Take it easy 不要太急

8、d. Take your time

be relaxed 和 Take it ease 表示 “放松 ”

don"t worry 表示 “不必焦虑 ”

Take your time 表示 “需要多长时间就用多长时间 ”

9、c. How about an evening gown

10 、a. No,not yet

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 5)

Tom: This is my schoolmate,Mary,and this is my friend,Susan.

Susan:How do you do?


a. How are you?

b. Nice to meet you.

c. Fine,thank you.

d. Everything is fine.


Woman: Thank you very much for your help.

Man: ________.

a. Never mind

b. Not at all

c. It doesn"t matter

d. No thanks


Kate: Do you mind opening the door for me?

Bob: _______.

a. Yes,I"ll do it

b. It"s nothing

c. That"s all right

d. Not at all


Katherine: Linda!I haven"t seen you for ages.How are you?

Linda: Fine.and you?

Katherine: Pretty good.How"s Frank?


Linda: Oh,don"t you know?We got divorced two years ago.

Katherine: _____

a. Oh,I am sorry.

b. What a pity!

c. It is really a problem

d. Hope you"ll be better


Phone caller: Hello.Could I please speak to Helen?

Helen: ________.

a. Speaking

b. I am Helen

c. It"s me

d. This is me



Lora: I"m an engineer.

Jack: Oh,are you?

Lora: How about you?

Jack: I work for a trading company.

a. How are you doing

b. What do you do

c. How do you do

d. What are you doing


Customer officer: Could I have your name,please?

Passenger: It"s Paine,Sarah Paine.

Customer officer: ________?

Passenger: It"s P-A-I-N-E.

a. How do you spell your last name

b. What is your last name

c. How to pronounce your last name

d. How could I speak your last name


Passer-by: _____?

Local resident: Sure.It"s on Elm Street,between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenue.

Passer-by:Thank you.

a. Help please.Could you tell me where the post office is

b. Sorry,where is the post office,please

c. Trouble you.Could you please tell me where the post office is

d. Excuse me.Do you know where the post office is


Mary: Tom,would you like to go to a party this Saturday?

Tom: ___________.What kind of party?

Mary: It"s a birthday party.

a. Sounds good


b. Looks nice

c. Seems all right

d. Feels excellent


Lodger: I"m terribly sorry that I broke you precious vase.I"ll pay for it.


a. Can"t complain

b. Never mind

c. Relax yourself

d. Take care


1、b. Nice to meet you

初次相识可以用比较正式的 how do you do? 也可用非正式的 nice to meet you / glad to meet

you, 甚至可用 hi,hello

how are you? 用于已经认识的人之间见面问候。

2、b. Not at all

对别人表示感谢的应答可以是 not at all 或 You are welcome

对别人表示道歉的应答可以是 never mind 或 It doesn"t matter

3、d. Not at all

介意 yes,I do

不介意 no,I don"t 或 Not at all

4、a. Oh,I am sorry


5、a. Speaking

接电话的 Helen 发现对方找的是自己, 可以用 This is Helen speaking 或 Helen is speaking 或


6、b. What do you do

询问别人作什么,可以用 What do you do? 或 What"s your job?

how are you? 和 how do you do? 表示问候

what are you doing? 询问对方正在作什么事情

7、a. How do you spell your last name

8、d. Excuse me.Do you know where the post office is

Excuse me 表示 “劳驾,请问 .... ”

9、a. sounds good

别人邀请自己参加聚会,表愿意可以用 sounds good 或 I"d love to

不能去一般说 I"m afraid it won"t be possible 或 I wish I could,but I have to....

10 、b. Never mind

别人因损害了自己的利益,或冒犯了自己而道歉时,客气的应答是 never mind 或 It doesn"t

matter 或 Forget it

can"t complain 表示 “(生活 /工作)还行 ”

relax yourself 放松点

take care 保重

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 6)

Host : Oh,not yet.I"m just going to make some coffee.

Guest: ___,though I"d really love to stay.I"ve got to be up by six tomorrow morning,unfortunately.

Thank you for a wonderful party.

a. I"m sorry,but I must


b. Excuse me,but I have to go

c. Pardon me,but I should go

d. It"s a pity,but no way out


Paul: Do you have to have that TV on quite so loud?

Carol:______.Is it bothering you?

Paul: Yes,I"m trying to sleep.

a. Oh,I"m sorry

b. Oh,excuse me

c. No,I don"t

d. Yes,I have to


Katherine: Linda!I haven"t seen you for ages.How are you?

Linda: Fine.and you?

Katherine: Pretty good.How"s Frank?

Linda: Oh,don"t you know?We got divorced two years ago.

Katherine: _____

a. Oh,I am sorry.

b. What a pity!

c. It is really a problem

d. Hope you"ll be better


Client: Hello.May I speak to Mr.Turner?


a. I"m sorry.He"s at a meeting right now.

b. Speaking,please

c. Hello.Who"re you,please?

d. Hello.Thank you for calling.


Ted: Hi,Christine.___________?

Christine: Hi,Ted.I just bought a new camping tent.I can"t wait to use it.

a. What"s on

b. What"s up

c. What"s wrong

d. What"s right


Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? I"m supposed to teach the high school class.

Lisa: Sure.______?

Martin: We"re going to the beach for the weekend.

Lisa: Well,don"t worry.I"ll take good care of Sunday school.

a. What"s in

b. What"s the thing

c. What"s up

d. What"s down



Tom: You are playing guitar well.Can you read music?

Charles: No,I don"t.I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right.

Tom: _______.

Charles: No,really.

a. You"re lying

b. You"re cheating

c. You"re boasting

d. You"re kidding


Nancy: Have you heard about Dana?She is going to get married with Graham!


a. You"re kidding!

b. Congratulations!

c. Is it a real thing?

d. Good luck!


Customer: _____________.

Waiter: I"m sorry.Didn"t you order fried shrimp?

Customer:I ordered fried chicken

Waiter: Oh,all I heard was fried shrimp.Let me have kitchen redo this for you.

a. Sorry,this isn"t my dish

b. Excuse me,this isn"t what I paid for

c. Sorry,this isn"t my order

d. Excuse me,this isn"t what I ordered

10 、

Passer-by: _____?

Local resident: Sure.It"s on Elm Street,between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenue.

Passer-by:Thank you.

a. Help please.Could you tell me where the post office is

b. Sorry,where is the post office,please

c. Trouble you.Could you please tell me where the post office is

d. Excuse me.Do you know where the post office is

1、a. I"m sorry,but I must 由于不能接受主人的好意,客人应表示道歉。

2、a. Oh,I"m sorry


3、a. Oh,I am sorry


4、a. I"m sorry.He"s at a meeting right now.

5、b. What"s up.

What"s up? 表示 “忙什么 ?”或“什么事 ?”

What"s on? 表示 “放映什么? ”

What"s wrong? 表示 “出了什么问题? ”

What"s right? 表示 “什么是对的? ”

6、c. What"s up 表示 “你怎么了? ”或“你有什么事? ”


7、d. You"er kidding

You"re kidding 或 You"re joking 表示: “你在开玩笑吧! ”或“这不是真的! ”

8、a. You"re kidding!

9、d. Exceuse me, this isn"t what I ordered.

因做错了事抱歉时用 sorry

引起对方注意时用 excuse me

10 、d. Excuse me.Do you know where the post office is

Excuse me 表示 “劳驾,请问 .... ”

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 7)

Local resident: Yes,there"s one near the end of the street.It"s behind the church.

a. hello,sir.Where"e the bus station

b. Excuse me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around here

c. Excuse me,sir. How can I find the way to the police station

d. Which building is the Department of Immigration,please



Customer: Yes,I"ll have a cheeseburger,medium rare,with French fries.

a. What do you want to eat

b. Have you decided what to have yet

c. Excuse me,are you ready to order now

d. Excuse me,but who"d like to order


Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you?

Miss Chang:Yes,I"d like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening.

Clerk: Fifteen pounds,please.

Miss Chang:______.

a. Here you are

b. Here it is

c. There is the payment

d. Take the payment,please


Tony: Will you please pass me the saltshaker,Bill?

Bill: Sure.___.

Tony: Thank you.

a. Give it to you

b. Take it

c. Here you are

d. Hold it


Joe: We haven"t got together for a long time.How about lunch next week?

Nancy: I"m pretty tied up all next week.How about we plan on two weeks from today?_____.

Joe: OK.Wednesday in two weeks.

a. I can reach it on that Wednesday

b. I can make it on that Wednesday

c. I can get it on that Wednesday

d. I can assure it on that Wednesday



Nancy: Have you heard about Dana?She is going to get married with Graham!


a. You"re kidding!

b. Congratulations!

c. Is it a real thing?

d. Good luck!


Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you?

Miss Chang:Yes,I"d like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening.

Clerk: Fifteen pounds,please.

Miss Chang:______.

a. Here you are

b. Here it is

c. There is the payment

d. Take the payment,please

1、b. Excuse me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around here

2、c. Excuse me,are you ready to order now

3、a. Here you are 购物、买票付钱时说 ”给您 “,英语中有固定的说法: Here you are.

4、c.Here you are 递给别人所要的东西时说 “here you are ,表示 ” “给你 ”

5、b. I can make it on that Wednesday // make it 表示 “能够做到、行 ”

6、a. You"re kidding!

7、a. Here you are // 购物、买票付钱时说 ”给您 “,英语中有固定的说法: Here you are.

[ 学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 8)

Saleswoman: Yes, they are on the third floor.

A.Excuse me. Do you sell bathing suits?

B.Excuse me. Where are your cosmetics, please.

C.Hello. How can I find Emergency Room?

D.Miss, is this Holiday Inn?

2.James: You're kidding. Dick Stevens asked you out?

Jane: You bet. We are going out for dinner tonight.

James: Great. ______

A. Have a good time.

B. Take care of yourself.

C. Don't come back late.

D. Relax yourself.

3.Guest: Well, I have to be off. Thank you for your wonderful dinner.

Host: ______

A. You're very kind to come.

B. Thank you for your invitation

C. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

D. Take care.


4.A: What a surprise. You had your hair permed.

B: Yes, and another surprise. I'm going to get married next Saturday.

A: ______

A.Oh, sorry, I've nearly forgot that,

B.Really? Congratulations.

C.How about another time? I'll be busy then.

D. Well done. The dating for the marriage is well chosen.

5.Pupil: I apologize for being late this morning. My alarm clock never went off.

Teacher: ______

A.That's all right. These things often happen.

B.All right. I hope you to come early next time.

C.Thank you. You're really too kind to apologize to me.

D.Never mind. You're too polite to apologize.

6.A: Mind if I sit here?

B: ______

A.Well, no, but my friend is in the washroom now.

B.No. I'm afraid you must go and find another seat.

C.Of course, take it easy.

D.Yes, please sit down.

7.Customer: Excuse me. ______

Clerk: The rate for airmails is two dollars.

A.Do you do international delivery?

B.Can you tell me the money I need to post a letter?

C.How much is a letter to South Mrica?

D.Do you happen to know how fast airmails are?

8.Customer: The jeans look cool. May I try them on?

Salesman: Sure. ______

A. What size, please?

B. It's 34 RMB, please.

C. Help yourself, please.

D. Cash or charge?

9.Patient: I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Brooks.

Nurse: ______

A.You may come 10 o'clock Thursday morning if you like.

B.Dr. Brooks can see you in about 15 minutes.

C.Thank you very much for calling.

D.Is 10 o'clock Thursday morning fine with you?

10.Doctor: ______

Patient: I've caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.

A.Do you have anything to declare, sir?

B.Good morning. May I help you?

C.How have you been getting along recently?

D.What seems to be the problem?



学位英语 ]会话技能 200 题( 12)

B: ______

A: Nice to meet you, Sue. I' m George.

A. How are you doing.

B. Yes, we are. My name's Sue Deer.

C. Thank you very much.

D. It's so wonderful to meet you.

2.A: Good morning, madam. I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes of your time?

B: ______

A: Well, actually I represent the New British Encyclopedia.

B: Oh, not today. Thank you !

A.I don't know if I can. Are you selling something?

B.May I take a message?

C.What have you decided?

D.You may have it longer if you like.

3.A: Oh ... um ... do you mind if I smoke?

B: ______

A: Oh, I didn't notice.

B: Mmm. There's a sign on the door.

A.How long for?

B.Well, yes, actually this is a no smoking compartment.

C.I don't think I agree with you.

D.When exactly?

4.A: Susan, this is my boyfriend Sam.

B: ______

C: Nice to meet you, too.

A. You may only have one.

B. Yours is lovely, too.

C. Very well, thank you.

D. Oh, really? Nice to meet you.

5.A: Fine day, isn't it?

B: Well, yeah, it's beautiful.

A: You're looking so nice.

B: ______

A.Yes, I'm extremely well, thanks.

B.It's very nice of you, and you are so beautiful.

C.Sorry to hear that.

D.Pretty good.

6.A: I've been on business trip abroad last month.

B: ______

A: Oh, pretty good, thanks. What about you?

B: Just can't complain.


A. How's everything going?

B. It's very nice of you.

C. You're kind to say so.

D. I'd love to.

7.A: I have two tickets for tonight's concert. Could you go with me?

B: I'd like to, but I'm busy tonight.

A: ______

A. All my work goes for nothing.

B. What a pity. I'm sorry.

C. How could I do such a silly thing?

D. Is it just as what you said?

8.Student: How long can I have these books?

Librarian: This one is on the three-hour-loan; you may have it for only three hours ______.

A.The others are due in 30 days, on February 3.

B.You may have it longer if you like.

C.Drop the books into the RETURN boxes by the library entrance.

D.The fine for overdue books is 5 dollars an hour.

9.Salesperson: ______

Customer: Yes, I'll have a grilled fish and some chips.

A. Can you tell me what you like?

B. What have you decided?

C. How can I help you?

D. Can I help you order?

10.Man: English is a difficult language to learn.

Woman: ______

A. I think the grammar is easy.

B. It's not very difficult to learn.

C. I've found it very easy.

D. True, but the grammar is quite easy.







