Parenting brings fathers more joy than it does mothers,ac-cording to a new study...
26.K) involving
27.B) associated
28.L) noteEi
29.A) additional
30.D) cultivate
31.E) depressive
32.H) however
33.G) emotions
34.F) directly
35.I) implication
26.L) ranging
27.H) measured
28.B) certificates
29.M) relative
30.E) differences
31.O) targeting
32.C) connected
33.D) emonstrates
34.A) acknowledge
35.F) establish
Phones influence all aspects of teenage life...
26. D)constantly
28.H) nationally
29.G) inseparable
30.A) absorbed
31.L) specific32.
E) context
33.J) shape
34.C) behavior
36.C People often grant a request just because they wantto appear polite and helpful.
37.H It's no easy job learning to say “no”to opportuni-ties that were once considered worth grasping.
38.E When you decline a request,you are saving yourfuture time.
39.B People sometimes struggle to do things that aresimply a waste of time.
40.I Doing efficiently what is not worth doing is the mostuseless effort.
41.C lt is especially difficult for people to decline to dowhat their superiors ask them to do.
42.A People agree to do too many things they are in factunwilling to do.
43.G According to one famous entrepreneur,innovationmeans refusal to do an enormous numberof things.
44.D lt is an essential aspect of life to cooperate with otherpeople.
45.F Refusing a request is sometimes seen as a privilegenot enjoyed by ordinary people.
36.l) There is another depressing reality hidden within...
37.G) lf you are a low-income student who...
38.B)At my well-respected, private, four-year university...
39.D) Schools will charge you whatever they can...
40.L) Students and families must also understand..
41.A)This fall, thousands of college students...
42.J)Yes, l chose to attend an expensive university...
43.l) There is another depressing reality hidden within...
44.C) Universities today are in the business of makingmoney...
45.H) lf you plan on paying off bills in your student ac-count.....
Evil Genius
36.D) A behavior that does not conform to social norms maybe described as being deviant.
37.J) Various experiments found that participants who cheatedin the initial task performed better in the creativity test.
38.B) People may be simply considered evil if their behaviorsare morally unacceptable to us.
39.G) The research published by two scientists was intended toexamine the relationship between dishonesty and creativity.
40.A) The author's lectures sparked lively discussions in hisclass.
41. l) The researchers tested the participants’ creativity byasking them to play a word game.
42.K) It is time we realized that deviance may be capable ofdoing both good and harm to individuals and society.
43.C) The reasons for people's evil behaviors can be explainedin more ways than one.
44.H) The math task in one experiment was designed to testparticipants' tendency to cheat.
45.F) Some creativeideas have turned out to do harm tohuman society.
we're eating more fish than ever these days.
46.B) They are mostly farmed.
47.D) Expand the scale of fish-farming continuously.
48.C) lt raises more fish than caught from the wild.
49.A) lt is a must for feeding the world's fast-growing population.
50.C) Fish-farming may cause serious problems too.
In 2020,the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the World FoodProgramme (WFP)
51.D) lt is morally wrong to think helping the poor is not ourbusiness.
52.B) lt is still far from its goal despite the progress made.
53.A) The rich will become richer and the poor poorer.
54.B) By sharing expertise with peers in poverty-stricken na-tions.
55.C) Poor nations should enhance their own ability to solvetheir food shortaaes.
Passage 1
Even though we are living in an age where growing old isthought of as an inevitable misery...
46.D) Shifting people’ s perspective on aging.
47.A) He wanted to make it more pleasant for seniors.
48.D) He acted in violation of the state law.
49.C) Getting old is by no means something miserable.
50.A) lt is gaining ground in many countries.
Passage 2
Research shows that in developed countries, more affluent andeducated people...
51.B) People from different social groups vary in their dietaryhabits.
52.A) A better understanding of the relationship between socialclass and health.
53.D) They do not lack food knowledge or budgeting skills.
54.C) Enabling them to have more access to nutritious foods.
55.B) Choose diets that are both healthy and affordable.