根据全国大学英语四级考试大纲可知,翻译题为大学英语四级的最后一部分考试内容,占分比为15%。大学英语四级翻译部分要求考生能运用基本的翻译策略,能在半小时内将长度为140- 160个汉字的段落译成英语。翻译部分考核学生运用恰当的翻译策略和语言知识将主题熟悉、内容浅显、意思完整的汉语段落用英语表达出来的能力。翻译部分的分值比例为15%。下面为大家整理一些英语四级翻译练习题,一起来练习下吧。
Part Ⅳ Translation For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
星期四这天,围观者们聚集在一起观看暴风的时候,台风“潭美”(Typhoon Trami)引发的60英尺高的海水,在海宁市附近的海岸 突然落下。当时并没有立刻弄清楚人们伤势有多严重,也没有任何 死亡的报告。这场台风是由于浙江省东部的暴雨和时速80英里的风 引起的,它迫使40万人离开家园,造成了数百万美元的损失。
The 60-foot wall of water — triggered by Typhoon Trami — crashed on the shore near the city of Haining,where onlookers gathered to watch the storm on Thursday. It was not immediately clear how bad the people were injured. There were no reports of any deaths. The typhoon — which caused heavy rain and 80-mph winds along the eastern Zhejiang Province — forced over 400,000 people to be evacuated from their homes and caused millions of dollars of damage.