7月初,上海正式迎来全民垃圾分类时代。继上海这一举措以来,全国有40多个城市陆续加入了垃圾分类的大军,以满足生活垃圾分类处理需求。伴随着垃圾分类的推行,之前调侃为垃圾分类伤透脑筋的上海居民的网友再也无法淡定了,大家都陷入了垃圾分类该如何进行的苦恼当中。在当前我国各城市试点垃圾分类的行动中,每个城市分类的标准并不完全一样, 有的地方按照”干湿“分类,有的地方则以 “厨余垃圾”、“其他垃圾”、“可回收垃圾”进行投放。因此,垃圾分类在全国遍地开花,已然成为未来趋势,因此,希赛网英语频道预测本次六级口语考试很可能围绕“垃圾分类”这一话题展开,具体参考如下:
Garbage sorting(垃圾分类)
Facing the trend of garbage sorting, I think it is an vital step to further protect our environment in which we live. On the one hand, garbage classification is related to citizens’ living environment and the economical use of resources. It is also an significant embodiment of the level of civic-mindedness. On the other hand, the key to operate this mechanism is to enhance scientific management, form a mechanism with lasting effects, and cultivate the habit of waste sorting. For example, the related department should carry out extensive education and guidance in order to make the people realize the importance and necessity of waste sorting. Regrettably, it is reported that only 30% of citizens do well in sorting waste. Therefore, continuing to promote this measure is extremely necessary.