It's very hot today, isn t it?
Isn t it hot today?
Today s a scorcher.太阳火辣辣的天气
It's blistering hot./It's extremely hot.
It's a fine day today./It's beautiful today.
It's nice today.
What s the forecast for tomorrow?
It's going to be cold.会冷吧。
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
What s the weather going to be tomorrow?
What s tomorrow s forecast?
How s the weather today?--It's hot.
Is it going to rain today?
I doubt it.我想不会
We re expecting some rain.
It's going to rain./It's supposed to rain.
Rain is expected.
I heard it might rain.
It's raining.
It's going to rain today./It will rain today.
It's hot today.
It's warm today./It's a warm day.
It's cold today.--It'sure is. 就是。
It's chilly today./It's cool today.
It's nippy today. 冷的刺骨
It's windy today.
It's humid./It's really humid today. 闷热
Yeah, my body is sweaty.
It's dry.
It's wet today./It's rainy today.
It's stormy.
There is going to be a storm today.
It's snowing. --Yeah! Let s go skiing.
It's gloomy./It's cloudy. 阴天
It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.
Why are you taping your windows?
A typhoon is coming.
A typhoon is on its way.
It's foggy. 雾/It's freezing.结冰
It's very cold today.
We re going to have a blizzard.要下暴风雨
It's pleasant./It's comfortable.这天真舒服
It's mild today./It's a nice day.
It's misty. 雾蒙蒙的
Let s go sunbathing.日光浴
But, It's overcast today. 阴天
It's cloudy today./It's gloomy.
It's miserable. 糟糕的天气
It's a terrible day./It's an awful day.
I m sensitive to heat. 我怕热
It's breezy today.今天风和日丽
It's a breezy day.
It's uncomfortable today.
It's unpleasant today.
The heat is killing me.
It's raining cats and dogs! *瓢泼大雨
It's frosty today./It's a frosty day. 下霜了