

责编:訚星楚 2022-06-09



With the world reporting more cases of Omicron variant (欧米克隆变种) on Tuesday and more Western countries hurry up to close their doors. China, where so far only Hong Kong has reported cases, is calmly and confidently responding to possible challenges with vaccine (疫苗) study and the experience got from China's zero-COVID policy-

Chinese observers said that China will benefit from its COVID-19 policy of preventing cases from home and abroad which continues to show its unique advantages facing Omicron. In comparison. observers reminded that Western countries are likely to be affected by Omicron if the variant is highly infectious (感染的)。with their unscientific epidemic (流行病) control measures and overconfidence in vaccines. which has led to the rapid spread of the new variant, an expert told Global Times on Tuesday.

But to some Western media. China's policy means isolation (隔离). CNN said in a report on Monday that as much of the world started to learn to live with COVID-19. China u looked increasingly isolated by comparison"

Chinese observers said that the West's choice of dealing with COVID-19 is a helpless action as they cannot possibly clear their domestic cases with large numbers of locally transmitted cases. and residents are unwilling to team up with governments. In some countries, even the leaders do not follow their own rules.

Biden on Monday call on Americans to wear masks. but he has come under fire for flouting his own rules. He was pictured without a mask covering his face over the Thanksgiving weekend in a shop that had a sign on the window requiring customers to wear face coverings. the BBC reported.

1. What is the zero-COVID policy?

A . The vaccine can kill all the variants of the epidemic.

B . No one goes out and people will close the doors for isolation.

C . Itis a useful measure to reduce the local infection.

D . It is a serious control method to clear the cases.

2. What does the underlined word“flouting”mean?

A . observing

B . hating

C . going against

D . following

3. Which means does the author NOT use to develop the passage? .

A . By following the time order.

B . By giving examples.

C . By making comparisons.

D . By quoting.

4. What is the main idea of the report?

A . Western countries are likely to be affected by Omicron.

B . Despite the Omicron variant, it is still under control in China.

C . Western choice is helpless when faced with COVID-19.

D . Biden call on Americans to deal with the epidemic seriously.








1.推理判断题。根据第一段“China, where so far only Hong Kong has reported cases, is calmly and confidently responding to possible challenges with vaccine study and the experience got from China's zero-COVID policy. (迄今为止,只有香港报告了新冠肺炎病例,中国在疫苗研究方面沉着、自信地应对可能面临的挑战,并从中国的“新冠病毒清零"政策中获得了经验。) ”以及第三段“But to some Western media. China's policy means isolation (隔离). CNN said in a report on Monday that as much of the world started to learn to live with COVID-19, China u loked increasingly isolated by comparison". (但对一些西方媒体来兑,中国的政策意味着隔离。CNN在周一的一篇报道中表示,随着世界上许多国家开始学习与COVID-19共存,相比之下,中国看起来越来越孤立。”)”可推断,中国的“新冠病毒清零“政策指的是一种严肃的为清除病例的控制方法。故选D.

2.词义猜测题。根据前一段的尾句“In some countries, even the leaders do not follow their own rules.(在一些国家,甚至领导人也不遵守自己的规则。)”和划线词前半句“Biden on Monday call on Americans to wear masks,(周一,拜登呼吁美国人戴上口罩 , )”和转折词but及后文可知,拜登呼吁美国人戴上口罩,但他因违反自己的规定而受到抨击。所以flouting为“违反”之意。 故选C。

3.推理判断题。根据第二段末尾“on Tuesday (在周二) "”以及最后一段"on Monday (在周一)”可推断,本文没有按照时间顺序展开文章。故选A。

4.主旨大意题。根据第一段“With the world reporting more cases of Omicron variant on Tuesday and more Western countries hurry up to close their doors. China, where so far only Hong Kong has reported cases. 1s calmly and confidently responding to possible challenges with vaccine study and the experience got from China's zero-COVID policy. (随着世界各地周二报告了更多的欧米克隆变种病例, 越来越多的西方国家急于关闭国门。迄今为止,只有香港报告了新冠肺炎病例,中国在疫苗研究方面沉着、自信地应对可能面临的挑战,并从中国的“新冠病毒清零"政策中获得了经验。) "及全文可知 ,文章主要介绍了尽管是欧米克隆的变种,新冠病毒在中国仍然处于控制之下。故选B。



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