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责编:訚星楚 2020-12-01



一、单项选择题:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。 在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。

1. Our company can offer credit card transactions over the Internet.

A. lonely

B. secure

C. extreme

D. frightening

2. You can target potential customers based on the they search for.

A. keywords

B. survivor

C. schedule

D. damage

3. A major ensured that our business got off to a good start.

A. quality

B. order

C. evidence

D. mystery

4. The increase of profit was partly due to the growth of sales on the market.

A. artificial

B. selfish

C. domestic

D. painful

5. Having read the book, she will be able to pass on the knowledge to trainee teachers.

A. considered

B. terrified

C. rescued

D. acquired

6. buying and selling products, ebusiness may also handle other traditional business aspects.

A. In addition to

B. In spite of

C. Rather than

D. Regardless of

7. It is time that we up our mind.

A. had made

B. made

C. have made

D. will make

8. I learnt from my bitter experience is that you should never underestimate the ability of your enemy.

A. Which

B. What

C. It

D. That

9. When to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

A. introducing

B. introduced

C. introduce

D. being introduced

10. The company into four independent business units.

A. has restructured

B. has being restructured

C. has been restructured

D. has been restructuring

二、阅读理解:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分。 本部分有三篇短文,每篇短文后有若干问题,每个问题有四个选项,请选择一个最佳答案,将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。

Passage 1

Meetings are an important part of doing business. Whether you re leading or just attending one, be prepared with these phrases for each stage of a business meeting. 

Greeting / Opening

The structure of a meeting is usually the same. And meetings always start with a greeting! In English, you ll use the more formal sentences, such as “Good morning” or “ Good afternoon”rather than “Hello”.

State the Purpose

Next, you have to remind everyone what the purpose of the meeting is, what business needs to be addressed. You can say, “Were here today to” Other phrases you might use are: “Our goal today is” or “Ive called this meeting to ” Then finish with a brief explanation.

Review Past Business

Since meetings often deal with ongoing business, you have to review old information before presenting new. This happens when someone reads the minutes from the previous meeting. Before reading the minutes you can say, “To begin, lets quickly go over the minutes from our last meet ing. ”

Introducing the Agenda and Discussion

Now its time to discuss new business! Usually, youll follow a list of discussion items called an “agenda”. You must start by drawing everyone s attention to the agenda. Then, the key to a successful meeting is keeping it moving forward. When it s time to move onto the next topic, you can say, “Now that weve discussed, lets move on to”

Finishing the Meeting

Finishing a meeting requires a few phrases: summarizing everything that s been discussed, thanking everyone for coming, and then dismissing the meeting. To summarize, you can start with “To sum up” Then, thank everyone for attending. And let everyone know its okay to leave with, “The meeting is finished. ” Finally, if theres a followup meeting ,say, “Well see everyone next”

11. If the meeting leader wants to remind everyone the purposes of the meeting, the following expressions will be used except .

A. Were here today to

B. Our goal today is

C. Ive called this meeting to

D. Lets talk about

12. When the meeting deals with ongoing business, the attendants should first .

A. review the old information

B. talk about new business

C. make someone read the minutes from the previous meeting

D. go over the minutes from the present meeting

13. When discussing new business, the meeting leader will start by .

A. drawing everyones attention to the agenda of the meeting

B. drawing everyones attention to the items of the meeting

C. drawing everyones attention to the minutes of the meeting

D. drawing everyones attention to the purpose of the meeting

14. Finishing a meeting requires the following points except .

A. summarizing everything thats been discussed

B. thanking everyone for coming

C. dismissing the meeting

D. greeting everyone for coming

Passage 2

Using Facebook was a challenge at first. Diagnosed in 2010 with pseudotumor cerebri(假性脑瘤), a rare health condition in which pressure increases around the brain and can result in the loss of vision, Naquela Wright learned how to use a screen reader to read the site through the touch of the keyboard and sound of a robotic voice. Still, Wright often has no clue what the image shows.

Now Facebook is trying to solve this problem by exploiting the power of artificial intelligence to create new tools that not only describe items in a photo but allows users to ask whats in an image. “I can have a basic picture in my mind of whats going on in the picture and now I can comment on my own,” said Wright, who got to try out the new tools that are still being tested. It is estimated that there are about 285,000,000 visually disabled people globally, according to the WHO. The research conducted by Facebook showed that blind users have trouble figuring out whats in a photo because the description isnt clear or doesnt exist.

Facebook has made it easier to skim through the content on its website with a screen reader by improving HTML headings, adding alternative text for images, and more. Using artificial intelligence to describe photos is only a part of these ongoing efforts.

Jeff Wieland, Facebooks head of accessibility engineering, said the group wants to educate more engineers, “We really don t want accessibility to be the luxury of a handful of companies,” Wieland said. “We want everything around the world to be built with accessibility in mind. ”

15. What tool helps the visually disabled to read Facebook?

A. A helpful robot.

B. A special keyboard.

C. A screen reader.

D. HTML headings.

16. What can be inferred from the passage about the new tool created by Facebook?

A. It adds a lot of shortcuts on the keyboard.

B. It helps users to employ their senses other than sight.

C. It meets no competitors with its advanced technology.

D. It inspires more engineers to explore artificial intelligence.

17. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Screen reader: tool to access social media

B. Ongoing efforts: strength to improve websites

C. Artificial intelligence: power to help the blind

D. Teaching accessibility: initiative to educate engineers

Passage 3

Success in ebusiness can evaporate even more quickly than it is achieved. Continued success demands protecting valuable assets.

Protection of Name and Reputation 

Organizations that establish a strong reputation and brand loyalty in the marketplace create value based on attributes other than price. The legal aspects of trademarks, domain names, and other external threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm. Trademarks are national, not global, so conflicts can be difficult to resolve. Domain names, on the other hand, are both global and national, and these form an important element of online identity and reputation.

Assurance of Enforceable Transactions

Electronic payments are common in business transactions today, but they must be structured with care to assure that the payment method effectively transfers value to the ebusiness enterprise or revenue will be lost. Identification is crucial, since a transaction is only enforceable against the person who entered into it. Counsel will help decide which forms of online identification are acceptable, and how they can be used in forming a legally valid identification.

18. Domain names are different from trademarks in that .

A. domain names are national while trademarks are global

B. domain names are global while trademarks are national

C. domain names are both national and global while trademarks are only national

D. domain names are only national while trademarks are both national and global

19. If electronic payments are not structured carefully, .

A. legal counsel will be accused of

B. there will be no way to sign online contracts

C. the ebusiness environment will be threatened substantially

D. the ebusiness enterprise may not be able to receive the pay

20. In ebusiness transactions, accurate identification is very important because .

A. people can do any business online

B. a transaction can be done in any form of identification

C. the enforceability of a transaction can be assured only against the person who entered into it

D. it is hard to identify a legally invalid identification

三、完形填空(一): 选择最佳答案完成句子:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。

在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。

Recently I have been learning web design. It is very interesting, because I can try to 21 my own web pages. Web design is an important part of ecommerce. You can 22 information, do shopping and make 23 on web pages. And some welldesigned web 24 can make better sales of your products, 25 it is not easy.

The 26 web pages are plain text mode. 27 appearance of multimedia web, web design has become more 28 . So you need to try your best. As to web design, you should choose a proper web 29 software, such as Dreamweaver, Frontpage and etc. Dreamweaver is a kind of software 30 strong functions and easy to learn. I recommend it!

21. A. get

B. take

C. build

D. break

22. A. release

B. replace

C. review

D. remember

23. A. features

B. disadvantages

C. payments

D. majors

24. A. ventures

B. ranges

C. purposes

D. sites

25. A. though

B. so

C. then

D. or

26. A. modest

B. private

C. original

D. intense

27. A. Aside of

B. Along with

C. In terms of

D. By the side of

28. A. efficient

B. complex

C. harmful

D. pure

29. A. editing

B. recovering

C. offering

D. selecting

30. A. to

B. for

C. at

D. with

四、完形填空(二):在下列课文片段中按中文意思提示填入遗漏的词:本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分。

We all know that the Internet has become the 31 (生命线)of almost all businesses. The current trends 32 (显示) that the use of the Internet, smart phones and the 33 (自信)of 浙 00888# 电子商务英语试题 第 6 页(共 8 页)the people in using their credit cards online is growing exponentially. 34 (因此), ecommerce is here to stay, and we have to adapt ourselves to become smarter 35 (在线)buyers and sellers and web entrepreneurs.

五、根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词性写出相应的英语单词,该词的第一个字母已经给出,每条短线上写一个字母:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。

36. 博客,网络日志 n. b _ _ _

37. 代理机构,代办处 n.

a _ _ _ _ _

38. 更新,使升级 v.

u _ _ _ _ _

39. 本地的,当地的,地方的 adj.

l _ _ _ _

40. 国内的,家庭的 adj.

d _ _ _ _ _ _ _

41. (英)支票 n.

c _ _ _ _ _

42. 成立,建立,创办 v.

f _ _ _ _

43. 签名,署名,明显特征 n.

s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

44. 典型的,经典的,著名的 adj.

c _ _ _ _ _ _

45. 平台,站台,纲领 n.

p _ _ _ _ _ _ _

六、给出下列单词或术语的汉语意义:本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分。

46. sales and service employees

47. customer information

48. business practices

49. newsletter

50. GIF images

51. web page

52. in the long term

53. cross ownership

54. hardware

55. runtime

56. CEO

57. price lists

58. credit card

59. virus infection

60. geographic zones

61. risk consciousness

62. system effectiveness

63. Fortune 500

64. start up companies

65. checkout process

七、根据句子的意思将括号中的词变成适当的形式:本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分。

66. That store sells nice clothes—and they are quite (afford) .

67. She runs a very (success) computer business.

68. I have (attempt) to change my home page a number of times.

69. (use) email as a method for dispensing internal memos is another use of the Internet.

70. Typically, you will only install one agent manager, and then one agent on each machine you want to access (remote).

八、英译汉:阅读下面的短文,然后把画线的句子翻译成汉语:本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共10 分。

(71) I have much experience doing online shopping; thus, its easy for me to register with the

online sales platform. To become a seller, its different from just buying. (72) You have to provide your personal identification in the process of application. Eshop is like a bricks and mortar shop although diversity occurs. (73) Decoration(装修) is the key to attract customers. (74) Most trade platforms offer free or paid decoration models as options. I have seen many great examples on how decoration can be done on popular E shop. (75) I chose the free model as I have confidence in my product and service.

九、汉译英: 请把下面的汉语句子翻译成英语:本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分。

76. 社会营销跟随着社交网络的趋势(trend)。

77. 电子商务并非仅仅是在网上从事(conduct)传统商务。

78. 企业会利用其商业计划来寻求资金(funding)。

79. 黑客的目标是妨碍网站运行。 (preventfrom)

80. 这取决于你的服务条款(term)。



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