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For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greates

t dramatist (剧作家).Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare.Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer.All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of the English-speaking people.Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we used, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use of the great resources of the English language.Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal use of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand.

There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it.Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners) even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare’s day.

1).English people _______.

A.have never discussed who is the world’s greatest dramatist

B.never discuss any issue concerning the world’s greatest dramatist

C.are sure who is the world’s greatest dramatist

D.do not care who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist

2).Every Englishman knows _______.

A.more or less about Shakespeare

B.Shakespeare, but only slightly

C.all Shakespeare’s writings

D.only the name of the greatest English writer

3).Which of the following is true?

A.We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings.

B.Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English.

C.It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins of the words they use

D.All the words people use are taken from the writings of Shakespeare.

4).What does the word “proverb” mean?

A.Familiar sayings.

B.Shakespeare’s plays.


D.Actors and actresses.

5).Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English?

A.English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time.

B.By doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English language.

C.English words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s time.

D.Beginners may have difficulty learning some aspects of English usage.

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更多“For any Englishman, there can …”相关的问题
For any Englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the world's greatest writer. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him:that of William Shakespeare.

For any Englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the world's greatest writer. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him:that of William Shakespeare.

Every Englishman has some knowledge of his work. All of us use words and phrases from Shakespeare's writings that have become a part of the English-speaking people.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand!

There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman!) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare's day.

1. From the first two sentences of the passage we can conclude that ________.

(A) it can't be discussed about who is the world's greatest poet

(B) it can't be discussed about who is the world's greatest dramatist

(C) Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer

(D) Englishmen like to discuss about who is the world's greatest writer

2. According to the passage many English words and phrases that we use today are from _____.

(A) Englishmen (B) Shakespeare's works

(C) English speaking people(D) ancient people

3. To learn the richness of the English language, people should ______.

(A) read Shakespeare's plays(B) learn from an English man

(C) be glad to be a foreigner (D) write and read more

4. The author does not suggest beginners reading Shakespeare's plays probably because _____.

(A) the works are for native speakers

(B) only Englishmen can understand his plays

(C) the works are too difficult for a beginner

(D) some of English usage and the meaning of many words have changed

5. In this passage the author wants to _______.

(A) show the richness of English language

(B) tell how great a writer Shakespeare is

(C) tell that some English words are out of use now

(D) tell that some aspects of English usage have changed since Shakespeare's day

The English have the reputation of being very different from ail other nationalities. It i
s claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the reasons, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed some attitudes and habits distinguishing him from other nationalities.

Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, and reserved person among people he knows well. Before strangers he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a railway compartment any morning or evening to see the truth. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing (打盹) in a comer, and no one speaks. An English wit once suggested to overseas visitors, "On entering a railway compartment shake hands with all the passengers." Needless to say, he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object of suspicion,

It is well known that the English seldom show openly extremes of enthusiasm, emotion etc. Of course, an Englishman feels no less than any other nationality. Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl A man of more emotional temperament might describe her as "a marvelous jewel", while the Englishman will flatly state "Um, she's all right." An Englishman may recommend a highly successful and enjoyable film to friends by commenting, "It's not bad." The overseas visitors must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest. They must realize that "all right", "not bad" are very often used with the sense of "first class", "excellent". This special use of language is particularly common in English.

One explanation for the different character of English people is that ________.

A.they are geographically isolated from the European continent

B.they have nothing to do with the other Europeans

C.they like to keep quiet among their acquaintances

D.they tend to be reserved by nature

The English have the reputation of being very different from all other nationalities. It i
s claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the reasons, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed some attitudes and habits distinguishing him from other nationalities.

Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, and reserved person among people he knows well. Before strangers he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a railway compartment any morning or evening to see the truth. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing (打盹) in a corner, and no one speaks. An English wit once suggested to overseas visitors, "On entering a railway compartment shake hands with all the passengers." Needless to say, he was not being serious, There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object of suspicion.

It is well known that the English seldom show openly extremes of enthusiasm, emotion etc. Of course, an Englishman feels no less than any other nationality. Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl. Pi man of more emotional temperament might describe her as "a marvelous jewel", while the Englishman will flatly state "Um, she's all right." An Englishman may recommend a highly successful and enjoyable film to friends by commenting, "It's not bad." The overseas visitors must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest. They must realize that "all right", "not bad" are very often used with the sense of "first class", "excellent". This special use of language is particularly common in English.

One explanation for the different character of English people is that ______.

A.they are geographically isolated from the European continent

B.they have nothing to do with the other Europeans

C.they like to keep quiet among their acquaintances

D.they tend to be reserved by nature

For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world's greatest po
et and greatest dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the works of our greatest writer. All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare's writings that have become part of the common property of English-speaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we use, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of HAMLET and complained that "it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations. "

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand. There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners) even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare's day.

English people______.

A.have never discussed who is the world's greatest poet and greatest dramatist

B.never discuss about the world's? greatest poets or dramatists

C.are sure who is the world's greatest poet and greatest dramatist

D.do not care who is the world's greatest poet and greatest dramatist

For any Englishman there can never be any discussion as to who is the world's g
reatest writer. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him:that of William Shakespeare.

Every Englishman has some knowledge of his work. All of us use words and phrases from Shakespeare's writings that have become a part of the English-speaking people.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand!

There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman!) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare's day.

1). From the first two sentences of the passage we can conclude that ________.

A. it can't be discussed about who is the world's greatest dramatist

B. Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer

C. Englishmen like to discuss about who is the world's greatest writer

D. it can't be discussed about who is the world's greatest poet

2). According to the passage many English words and phrases that we use today are from _____.

A. Englishmen

B. English speaking people

C. Shakespeare's works

D. ancient people

3). To learn the richness of the English language, people should ______.

A. write and read more

B. be glad to be a foreigner

C. learn from an English man

D. read Shakespeare's plays

4). The author does not suggest beginners reading Shakespeare's plays probably because _____.

A. only Englishmen can understand his plays

B. some of English usage and the meaning of many words have changed

C. the works are too difficult for a beginner

D. the works are for native speakers

5). In this passage the author wants to _______.

A. tell how great a writer Shakespeare is

B. tell that some aspects of English usage have changed since Shakespeare's day

C. tell that some English words are out of use now

D. show the richness of English language

听力原文:In 1968, the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, had a problem. The city's school

听力原文: In 1968, the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, had a problem. The city's school system needed a new school building and teachers but did not have the money to pay for this multi-million-dollar project. City officials solved the problem in a unique way. They decided to use the many scientific and cultural institutions in the city and the classrooms. Experts who worked in the various institutions would be the teachers. About 100 institutions in Philadelphia--public, private, and commercial--helped the Program. The experiment in education, known as the Parkway Program, began in February 1969. John Bremer, an Englishman and education innovator, planned the program and became its director. The Program had grown in size from 142 to 500 high school students and is so popular that thousands of applicants are denied places each year. The Program gives a freedom to high school education never known before. Besides basic courses required for a diploma--languages, history, science--students may choose from more than a hundred other courses. Any subject will be offered if an instructor can be found. Every group of 15 boys and girls belong to a "tutorial group", led by a teacher and one assistant. Students in the Program say that school is no longer a place but an interesting activity.


A.City officials.

B.Experts in various institutions.

C.Newly-graduated university students.

D.Some famous scientists.

People from Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales like to be addressed_.





1 The chief problem in coping with foreign motorists is not so much remembering that they
are different from yourself, but that they are enormously variable. Cross a frontier without adjusting and you can be in deep trouble.

2 One of the greatest gulfs separating the driving nations is the Atlantic Ocean. More precisely, it is the mental distance between the European and the American motorist, particularly the South American motorist. Compare, for example, an English driver at a set of traffic lights with a Brazilian.

3 Very rarely will an Englishman try to anticipate the green light by moving off prematurely. You will find the occasional sharpie who watches for the amber to come up on the adjacent set of lights. However, he will not go until he receives the lawful signal. Brazilians view the thing quite differently. If, in fact, they see traffic lights at all, they regard them as a kind of roadside decoration.

4 The natives of North America are much more disciplined. They demonstrate this in their addiction to driving in one lane and sticking to it—even if it means settling behind some great truck for many miles.

5 To prevent other drivers from falling into reckless ways, American motorists try always to stay close behind the vehicle in front, which can make it impossible, when all the vehicles are moving at about 55 mph, to make a real lane change. European visitors are constantly falling into this trap. They return to the Old World still flapping their arms in frustration because while driving in the States in their car they kept failing to get off the highway when they wanted to and were swept along to the next city.

6 However, one nation above all others lives scrupulously by its traffic regulations--the Swiss. In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police. What is more, the police would visit you; and you would be convicted.

7 The Swiss take their rules Of the road so seriously that a driver can be ordered to appear in court and charged for speeding on hearsay alone, and very likely found guilty. There are slight regional variations among the French, German and Italian speaking areas,but it is generally safe to assume that any car bearing a CH sticker will be driven with a high degree of discipline.

The fact that the Brazilians regard traffic lights as a kind of roadside decoration suggests that

A.traffic lights are part of street scenery.

B.they simply ignore traffic lights.

C.they want to put them at roadsides.

D.there are very few traffic lights.

According to the passage, on entering a railway compartment, an overseas visitor is expect
ed to ______ .

A.inquire about the code of behavior. in the train

B.shake hands with all the passengers

C.shake hands with the person he knows

D.behave like an Englishman

People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle. They mean that the home is very
important and personal. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them personal, and change them in any way they like. Most houses have a garden, even if it is a small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private space of a person. In a crowded city a person knows that he or she has a private space which is only for himself or herself and for invited friends. People usually like to mark their space. If you are on the beach you may have spread your towels around you; in the rain you may have put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may spread your books around you. Once I was traveling on a train to London. I was on a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man opposite to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no space on my side of the table at all. I was unhappy. I thought he thought that he owned the whole table. I had been reading a book about nonverbal(非语言的) communication so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his case! When I did this he suddenly became angry and his eyes nearly popped out(突出) of his head. I had taken up his space! A few minutes later I took my papers off in order to read them. He immediately moved his case to his side of the table. What does the first sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?A. The home matters greatly to Englishmen

B. The castle is more important than the home

C. The home is more important than the castle

D. Englishmen usually live in homes instead of castle

Which of the following is NOT the reason for most British to live in homes?A.They can make changes in houses in which they live

B.They love houses more than gardens

C.They can own private space like the house and the garden

D.They can keep the private space to themselves and friends

According to Paragraph 2, if you spread your books around you in a library, it means:__________A.you want to spread your towels around you further

B.you want to put your coat on the table

C.you can find no space for your books on the seat

D.you wait to tell others the space belongs to you

The writer tried to get back his space by__________A.moving the case off the table

B.taking all his papers out

C.taking up the space of the man opposite

D.showing the books concerned to the man

How did the man opposite to the writer show he owned the whole table?A.He sat in a section for four people

B.He placed his briefcase on the table

C.He was traveling on a train to London

D.He was reading a book


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