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40 . Money serves as a means of accumulating wealth and as a universal______ of exchange i

n the highly diversified commercial world.





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更多“40 . Money serves as a means o…”相关的问题
The permanent employees get a salary every month, but because I am temporary I get my
wages in cash every week.I don't get a lot of money, because I am a waiter, but the customers often give me tips.I am friendly to my customers because I hope they will be generous.Because I am temporary, I only get £ 6 an hour, and I don't get money when I don't work.I want to go to Italy to see my parents.But I haven't got enough money and I don't get holiday pay.It's a pity.Also, I don't get sick pay when I am ill.But I can work extra hours.I often do over time at the weekend if the restaurant is busy.At Christmas the boss gives us extra money a bonus.

1、How often do temporary employees get their pay?()

A.Every month.

B.Every week.

C.Every day.

2、"Tip" is closest in meaning (意义) to ().

A.bonus for extra work

B.gift money for friend's children

C.money for good service

3、What does the writer do? ()

A.He serves customers in a restaurant.

B.He manages a small restaurant.

C.He trains restaurant staff.

4、The writer ().

A.never works on Saturdays and Sundays

B.often works on Saturdays and Sundays

C.works every weekend

5、The writer doesn't have enough money to ().

A.see his parents in Italy.

B.see a doctor when he’s ill.

C.visit his friends during holidays.

As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct ac
ts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence producers who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value, that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton, or how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties'desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or not keen on fish.

Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacture of a person could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage; even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on would involve obvious disadvantages-imagine a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

Using money as a medium of exchange means that______.

A.you have to sell something in order to buy something

B.you have to buy something in order to sell something

C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

Federal Reserve System, central banking system of the United States, popularly called the
Fed. A central bank serves as the banker to both the banking community and the government; it also issues the national currency, conducts monetary policy, and plays a major role in supervision and regulation of banks and bank holding companies. In the U.S. these functions are the responsibilities of key officials of the Federal Reserve System: the Board of Governors, located in Washington, D.C., and the top officers of the 12 district Federal Reserve banks, located throughout the nation. The Fed's actions, described below, generally have a significant effect on the U.S. interest rates and, subsequently, on stock, bond, and other financial markets.

The Federal Reserve's basic powers are concentrated in the Board of Governors, which is paramount in all policy issues concerning bank regulation and supervision and in most aspects of monetary control. The board enunciates the Fed's policies on both monetary and banking matters. Because the board is not an operating agency, most of the day-to-day implementation of policies decisions is left to the district Federal Reserve banks, stock in which is owned by the commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. Ownership in this instance, however, does not imply control; the Board of Governors and the heads of the Reserve banks orient their policies to the public interest rather than to the benefit of the private banking system.

The U.S. banking system's regulatory apparatus is complex; the authority of the Federal Reserve is shared in some instances for example, in mergers or the examination of banks with other federal agencies such as the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation (FDIC). In the critical area of regulating the nation's money supply in accordance with national economic goals, however, the Federal Reserve is independent within the government. Income and expenditures of the Federal Reserve banks and of the Board of Governors are not subject to the congressional appropriation process; the Federal Reserve is subject to the congressional appropriation process; the Federal Reserve is self-financing. Its income ($20.2 billion in 1992) comes mainly from Reserve bank holdings of income-earning securities, primarily those of the U.S. government. Outlays ($1.5 billion in 1992) are mostly for operational expenses in providing services to the government and for expenditures connected with regulation and monetary policy. In 1992 the Federal Reserve returned $16.8 billion in earnings to the U.S. Treasury.

The Fed of the United States______.

A.functions as China Bank

B.is the counterpart of People's Bank of China

C.is subject to the banking community and government

D.has 13 top officers who can influence the American financial market

Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice

"An identifying figure" (Para. 5) refers to a person ______.A.who serves as a model for ot

"An identifying figure" (Para. 5) refers to a person ______.

A.who serves as a model for others

B.who is always successful

C.who can be depended upon

D.who has been rewarded for his success

China serves as home to _______ ethnic groups. The Han nationality, the largest group, makes up about 91.51% of China’s vast population.




Peter is planning to find another job because he feels that nothing he does _____ his boss()





Theory is based on practice and ___________ serves practice.

A.for good

B.on occasion

C.with difficulty

D.in turn

The last paragraph serves as _______()

A.the proof of the author's point

B.the conclusion of the argument

C.an introduction to another topic

D.a comparison between two views

Why the Super-Rich Aren"t Leaving Much of Their Fortunes to Their KidsA.What do Sting, Bil

Why the Super-Rich Aren"t Leaving Much of Their Fortunes to Their Kids

A.What do Sting, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have in common? All three have huge fortunes, and none of them are giving them to their kids.Sting just revealed that most of him $ 300 million would not end up with his six adult children.The musician said that he certainly didn"t want to leave them trust funds that are obstacles round their necks."They have to work.All my kids know that and they rarely ask me for anything, which I really respect and appreciate."

B.Bill and Melinda Gates are giving a reported $10 million for each of their three children: pocketchange compared with their $ 76 billion.Buffett"s three kid~ each have a $ 2 billion foundation funded by Dear Old Dad.The rest of his money goes to charity, just like Gates and several other billionaires who have invested their vast fortunes in improving the world.As Buffett famously put it, the perfect amount to leave children is "enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing."

C.All those spoiled rich kids with more money than sense won"t make smart choices or live healthy, productive lives if they have unlimited access to the money they inherit.Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson has stated she has no intention of leaving a substantial inheritance: "I am determined that my children should have no financial security.It ruins people not having to earn money."

D.Wealthy families have always struggled with this issue.But the same drama is now playing out on a smaller scale for millions of baby boomers (婴儿潮时期出生的人), who hesitate to give away $ 30 trillion over the next 30 years——the largest transfer of wealth in American history.What used to be a private family matter has become a public discussion about wealth, privilege and pemonal responsibility.Who gets the big money? Should it be the heirs? Or are they better off without it?

E."We probably struggled over this more than any other issue," says a local self-made multi- millionaire.The businessman and his wife, worth hundreds of millions, grew up modestly in middle- class families and wanted to create a financial plan that would take care of their children——but not spoil them——if the couple died suddenly."We were fearful of what might happen if they had control of a large amount of money at a young age," he says."The more we stared at that, the more we became uncomfortable."

F.Inspired by Buffett"s example, they created trusts for each of their now college-age children.Each kid has $ 2.5 million controlled by trustees, who can release money only for education, health care, a home purchase or a business start-up.Any unspent money in the trust will continue to be invested and grow.Those restrictions remain in place until each child reaches age 40; after that, the money is all theirs to do as they please.By 40, their parents assume they will be mature enough to use the money wisely or save it as a safety net.The rest of the multimillion-dollar family fortune is going to a foundation, which will eventually be managed by the children and can be used only for charity.The kids are aware of the trusts and the planning that went into them."They really are thrilled with it," their father says."They want to be their own persons." A huge inheritance, he

believes, can be a lifelong trap for children of rich parents."I didn"t want them to look in the mirror and say, " Who am I?""

G.Whether having so much money is good or bad for trust-fund babies depends on how the family has prepared the kids, their personal qualities and how well they handle the pressures of great wealth and the fear of not inheriting.For every party girl like Paris Hilton, there"s an Ivanka Trump, who got a business degree from wharton and has made her family"s money and famous name valuable into a prosperous career.Johnson used his inheritance to launch a filmmaldng career and to live, all things considered, a relatively normal life in New York."In my case, it turned out to be a great benefit," he says.

H.Most parents want to protect their children from the dark excesses of money——drugs, legal troubles, and so on——and preserve the family fortune for future generations.That usually doesn"t work out: The fn"st generation makes the money, the second spends the majority of it, and the third drains the rest.Hence the old saying goes like " Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations." Traditionally, the wealthy gave all their money to their children and grandchildren, and then hoped for the best.Baby boomers, says consulting firm Accenture managing director Bob Gach, are living longer and struggling to balance their own retirement needs and interests with their children"s weffare.Boomers are different from previous generations: more likely to give away money while they"re still alive, more concerned about their adult children finding and keeping jobs.Excess properties typically go into tax-protected trusts.

I.There are really good reasons to leave a tegacy (遗产) in a thoughtful way——ways that promote the production and healthy lifestyles.Many trusts are structured to distribute inheritances at the specific ages determined in advance.A commonpractice is to give a third at 25, a third at 30 and the rest at35.Some inheritances are set up to encourage the heirs to graduate from college, marry or hold a job for a specific amount of years before any money will be released.

J.A lot of people don"t like to talk about money because they don"t want the kids to know how much they"re actually worth or what they might inherit.Although adult children in the United States have no legal rights to their parents" money, it"s rare for heirs to get cut off with nothing.But that doesn"t mean they get everything.Bill Gates, the world"s richest man, won"t disclose the exact amount each of his three kids will inherit, but he said they"ll get an "unbelievable" education and

health care and the reported $10 million, which still puts them fmnly in the One Percent——but not even close to their self-made father"s billions.For that, they"ll have to found their own empire.In terms of their income, they will have to pick a job they like and go to work.

If rich kids are well cultivated and prepared for the txust fund, it will be beneficial to their future. 查看材料

While clothing serves a purely practical function, how you dress also communicates many things about your social status, state of mind and even your dreams. What you communicate through your kind of d

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