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A variety of social problems are closely linked to poverty. It is well【C1】______that child

ren who grow up in poverty are more likely to .be【C2】______in illegal activity, have higher teenage pregnancy rates,【C3】______lower academic achievement, and suffer【C4】______a host of other social problems than those who do not grow up in poverty. The【C5】______of the poor population may also have important【C6】______for the overall competitiveness of the American economy, not only【C7】______it brings the added tax burden, but also because immigrants earning poverty level wages clearly do not have the kind of skills【C8】______to compete in an increasingly global marketplace.

In【C9】______to the impact on American society in【C10】______, looking at poverty among immigrants is also important because it is one way of【C11】______the consequences of current immigration policy. It also gives us a good idea of what immigrants【C12】______in the future are likely to do in the United States if immigration policy【C13】______unchanged. Very high poverty rates imply that a significant proportion of immigrants are unable to【C14】______in the modern American economy. This is【C15】______important because without a change in immigration policy, 10 million new immigrants will likely settle【C16】______in the country in just the next decade. Of course, the poverty rate for immigrant households does not tell us exactly【C17】______those admitted in the future will fare.【C18】______, looking at past immigrants is probably the best means we have of【C19】______how tomorrow's immigrants will do if the same selection criteria【C20】______to be used.






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A single status may have multiple roles attached to it, constituting a role set. Consider
the status of a patient in a hospital. The status involves the sick role; another role as the peer of other patients; still another role as the "appreciative" receiver of the gifts and attention of friends and family members; one role as a consumer of newspapers, magazines and other small items purchased from a hospital attendant; and a role as acquaintance of a number of friendly hospital personnel. Or consider your status as a family member. Your status includes a variety of roles, for example, parent and child, uncle, spouse, and cousin. Clearly, a role does not exist in a social vacuum; it is a bundle of activities that are connected with the activities of other people. For this reason there can be no professors without students, no husbands without wives, no whites without nonwhites, and no lawyers without clients.

Roles affect us as sets of norms that define our duties the actions others can legitimately insist that we perform, and our fight the actions we can legitimately insist that others perform. Every role has at least one reciprocal role attached to it; the fights of one role are the duties of the other role. As we have noted, we have a social niche for the sick. Sick people have fights our society says they do not have to function in usual ways until they get well. But sick people also have the duty to get well and "not enjoy themselves too much." The sick role also entails an appeal to another party the physician. The physician must perceive the patient as trying to get well this is the physician’s right and the patient’s duty. And the patient must see the doctor as sincere the patient’s fight and the physician’s duty. It should come as no surprise that the quality of medical care falters when patient and physician role expectations break down.

One way that people are linked in groups is through networks of reciprocal roles. Role relationships tie us to one another because the rights of one end of the relationship are the duties of the other. People experience these stable relationships as social structure a hospital, a college, a family, a gang, an army, and so on.

If your are a patient, you take on all the following roles EXCEPT the role as______.

A.a friend of your fellow patients

B.a staff member of the hospital

C.the receiver of the treatment

D.a buyer of medicines

The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teac
her to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a (an)【1】for a number of institutions and social contacts. In this way, it【2】a variety of functions in human life.

The time spent in front of the television screen is usually at the【3】of leisure: there is less time for games, amusement and rest.【4】by what is happening on the screen, children not only imitate what they see but directly【5】themselves with different characters. Americans have been concerned about the【6】of violence in the media and its【7】harm to children and adolescents for at least forty years. During this period, new media【8】, such as video games, cable television, music videos, and the Internet. As they continue to gain popularity, these media,【9】television,【10】public concern and research attention.

Another large societal concern on our young generation【11】by the media, is body image.【12】forces can influence body image positively or negatively.【13】one, societaland cultural norms and mass media marketing【14】our concepts of beauty. In the mass media, the images of【15】beauty fill magazines and newspapers,【16】from our televisions and entertain us【17】the movies. Even in advertising, the mass media【18】on accepted cultural values of thinness and fitness for commercial gain. Young adults are presented with a【19】 defined standard of attractiveness, a(n)【20】that carries unrealistic physical expectations.






Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people
are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good deal about the wearer's background, personality, status, mood and social outlook.

Since clothes are such an important source of social information, we can use them to manipulate people's impression of us. Our appearance assumes particular significance in the initial phases of interaction that is likely to occur. A young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the person's education, background, or interests, may alienate an elderly middle-class man or woman.

People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes mean. Adolescent girls can easily agree on the lifestyles of girls who wear certain outfits, including the number of boyfriends they likely have had and whether they smoke or drink. Newscasters, or the announcers who read the news on TV, are considered to be more convincing, honest, and competent when they are dressed conservatively. And college students who view themselves as taking an active role in their interpersonal relationships say they are concerned about the costumes they must wear to play these roles successfully. Moreover, many of us can relate instances in which the clothing we wore changed the way we felt about ourselves and how we acted. Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidence when you anticipated a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or a court appearance.

In the workplace, men have long had well-defined precedents and role models for achieving success. It has been otherwise for women. A good many women in the business world are uncertain about the appropriate mixture of "masculine" and "feminine" attributes they should convey by their professional clothing. The variety of clothing alternatives to women has also been greater than that available for men. Male administrators tend to judge women more favorably for managerial positions when the women display less "feminine" appearance: shorter hair, moderate use of make-up, and plain tailored clothing. As one male administrator confessed," An attractive woman is definitely going to get longer interview, but she won't get a job."

According to the passage, the way we dress ______.

A.provides clues for people who are critical of us

B.indicates our likes and dislikes in choosing a career

C.has a direct influence on the way people regard us

D.is of particular importance when we get on in age

听力原文:M: So, you must have a lot of contact with overseas students in your work helping
people coping with daily existence.

W: Sometimes. You know the life of a social worker is not all wonderful and working to help people in their daily life. I have to spend a lot of time pushing paper, and writing reports too. But when I do get out, yeah, I see a lot of foreigners. And sometimes they come in because life in America has just beaten them down and they can't cope financially or emotionally.

M: Really? I would think that they had a good support network in place, especially university students.

W: They do have a network, and a variety of support groups, but these can't meet all of the students' needs. They can't help with paying bills, dealing with American neighbors and customs, fitting in, getting a driver's license, etc. They try, but very often the student has to figure out a lot of this stuff by himself. And if he or she is shy, they don't have the courage to ask other people, even other people from their nationality.

M: So what are some of the things that overseas students struggle with?

W: This might interest you, but they struggle with the food, especially Chinese. You know, they come here knowing that Americans love Chinese food so much. They think that there will be good restaurants with Chinese food that they love. But they get here and they are extremely surprised. Americans enjoy totally different flavors.

M: So what do they do?

W: If they're brave and curious, they look around and test all the restaurants. There is usually at least one restaurant in every town that has almost quality food.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. In which aspect does the woman help people in her work?

24. Why do people come to the woman for help?

25. How did Chinese students expect the American-made Chinese food before they came to the U.S?


A.Writing reports for them.

B.Teaching them foreign languages.

C.Helping them deal with daily existence.

D.Introducing work for them.

The practice of capital punishment is as old as government itself.For most of history, it

The practice of capital punishment is as old as government itself. For most of history, it has not been considered controversial. Since ancient times most governments have punished a wide variety of crimes by death and have conducted executions as a routine part of the administration of criminal law. However, in the mid-18th century, social critics in Europe began to emphasize the worth of the individual and to criticize government practices they considered unjust, including capital punishment. The controversy and debate over whether governments should utilize the death penalty continue today.

The first significant movement to abolish the death penalty began during the era known as the Age of Enlightenment. In 1764 Italian jurist and philosopher Cesare Becearia published an essay on Crimes and Punishments. Many consider this influential work the leading document in the early campaign against capital punishment. Other individuals who campaigned against executions during this period include French authors Voltaire and Denis Diderot, British philosophers David Hume and Adam Smith, and political theorist Thomas Paine in the United States.

Critics of capital punishment argue that it is cruel and inhumane, while supporters consider it a necessary form. of revenge for terrible crimes. Those who advocate the death penalty declare that it is a uniquely effective punishment that prevents crime. However, advocates and opponents of the death penalty dispute the proper interpretation of statistical analyses of its preventing effect. Opponents of capital punishment see the death penalty as a human rights issue involving the proper limits of governmental power. In contrast, those who want governments to continue to execute tend to regard capital punishment as an issue of criminal justice policy. Because of these alternative viewpoints, there is a profound difference of opinion not only about what is the fight answer on capital punishment, but also about what type of question is being asked when the death penalty becomes a public issue.

We can learn from the first paragraph that in ancient times ______.

A.death penalty had been carried out before government came into being

B.people thought it was right for the government to conduct executions

C.death penalty was practiced scarcely in European countries

D.many people considered capital punishment unjust and cruel

The estimates of the numbers of home-schooled children vary widely. The U. S. Department o
f Education estimates there are 250,000 to 350,000 home-schooled children in the country. Home school advocates put the number much higher at about a million.

Home school advocates take a harsh attitude toward home schoolers, perceiving their actions as the ultimate slap in the face for public education and a damaging move for the children. Home schoolers harbor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herdlike approach to teaching children.

Yet, as public school officials realize they stand little to gain by remaining hostile to the home school population, and as home schoolers realize they can reap benefits from public schools, these hard lines seem to be softening a bit.

Public schools and home schoolers have moved closer to tolerance and, in some cases even cooperation. Says John Marshall, an education official," we are becoming relatively tolerant of home schoolers. The idea is, let's give the kids access to public school so they'll see it's not as terrible as they've been told, and they'll want to come back." Perhaps, but don't count on it, say home school advocates.

Home schoolers oppose the system because they have strong convictions that their approach to education--whether fueled by religious enthusiasm or the individual child's interest and natural pace--is the best. "The bulk of home schoolers just want to be left alone.” Says Enge Cannon, associate director of the National Center For Home Education. She says home schoolers choose that path for a variety of reasons, but religion plays a role 85 percent of the time.

Professor Van Galen breaks home schoolers into two groups. Some home schoolers want their children to learn not only traditional subject matter but also "strict religious doctrine and a conservative political and social perspective". Not incidentally, they also want their children to learn--both intellectually and emotionally--that the family is the most important institution in society." Other home schoolers contend "not so much that the schools teach heresy, but that schools teach whatever they teach inappropriately." Van Galen writes. "These parents are highly independent and strive to take responsibility for their own lives within a society that they define as bureaucratic and inefficient.

Which of the following statements is true?

A.Home schoolers engage private teachers to provide additional education for their children.

B.Home schoolers don't go to school but are educated at home by their parents.

C.Home schoolers educate their children at home instead of sending them to school.

D.Home schoolers advocate combining public education with home schooling.

There is a senseless notion that children grow up and leave home when they're 18, and the
truth is far from flint, says sociologist Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin. Today, unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents, "There is a major shift in the middle class," declares sociologist Allan Schnaiberg of Northwestern University, whose son, 19, moved back in after an absence of eight months.

Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people. A high divorce rate and a declining rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally hurt survivors back to parental shelters. For some, the ex pense of an away-from-home college education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools. Even after graduation, young people find their wings dipped by skyrocketing housing costs.

Living at home, says Knighton, a school teacher, continues to give her security and moral support. Her mother agreed, "It's ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent. It makes sense for kids to stay at home." But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles over 15athrooms, telephones and privacy. Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act. But for others, it proves too difficult. Michelle Del Tureo, 24, has been home three times--and left three limes. "What I considered a social drink, my dad considered an alcohol problem," she explains. "He never liked anyone I dated, so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends' house."

Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on? Most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake. Children, struggling to establish separate identities, can end up with "a sense of inadequacy, defeat and failure". And aging parents, who should be enjoying some financial and personal freedom, find themselves stuck with responsibilities. Many agree that brief visits, however, can work beneficially.

According to the author, there was once a trend in the U. S. ______.

A.for young adults to leave their parents and live independently

B.for middle class young adults to stay with their parents

C.for married young adults to move back home after a lengthy absence

D.for young adults to get jobs nearby in order to live with their parents

The story that traces life from sea to land then into the multiple niches that exist there
for a great variety of living things is a fascinating one, but far too detailed for our purposes. One key point for us in that story is the emergence of the biological class of animals that are called mammals.

Mammals have a number of features that distinguish them from the reptiles from which they developed. They are warm blooded; that is, they have a system of temperature control that keeps the body at a constant temperature. Mammals have a set of teeth of different shapes that serve different functions such as cutting, gouging, and grinding. Young mammals spend their earliest days of development shielded within the mother's body and are then born alive, rather than hatching from eggs. In addition, after birth they are nourished by milk provided by the mother's mammary glands. The enforced association between mother and infant provides an opportunity for learning that does not exist for those kinds of creatures that are hatched from eggs long after their parents have departed from the scene. Young mammals play -- something that amphibians and reptiles never do -- which provides additional learning opportunities.

The foregoing list leaves little doubt that we are mammals. There are, of course, a great many kinds of mammals, most of which developed after the great extinction of dinosaurs and other reptiles about 65 million years ago that opened opportunities for the few small mammals that were already in existence. One of the groups of mammals that resulted was a biological order called Primates which includes monkeys, apes, humans, and some smaller creatures familiar only to ardent zoogoers. Primates share a number of behavioral features that have played important roles in their evolutionary development. Most primates are arboreal; that is, they spend their lives in and among trees. Their tree-climbing and tree-dwelling habits impose needs that are reflected in primate anatomy. Although diet varies from species to species, many primates are largely vegetarian. But they can eat and digest meat, and some species vary their diets of leaves, shoots, and fruits by eating insects, birds' eggs, and even small animals. Primates are hand-feeders, depending on their hands both to collect food and to get it into their mouths. Perhaps the most important feature of their behavior. is that primates are social animals. Their genetics, habits, and even their survival are geared to living in groups. Although human beings have come to have a way of life very different from that of typical primates, the basic primate adaptation provided prehumans with capabilities that allowed them to become culture? builders.

The anatomical features that separate primates from other kinds of animals relate clearly to the way primates behave.

Where do you think is the passage from?




D.Science magazine.

It might be supposed that greater efficiency should be achieved ff several people collabor
ate to solve a problem than if only one individual works on it. The assumption is by no means invariably role.

Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there is a counterbalancing need to contend with conflicts arising among members of a group-and to give it coherent directions. Problem solving is facilitated by the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction but permits the orderly, constructive expression of a variety of opinions; much of the leader's effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group. Solutions simply may reflect the presence of an outstanding individual who might perform. even better by himself.

Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their net man-hour efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by skilled individuals working alone.

A process called brainstorming has been offered as a method of facilitating the production of new solutions to problems. In brainstorming, a problem is presented to a group of people who then proceed to offer whatever they can think of, regardless of quality and with as few inhibitions as possible. Theoretically these unrestricted suggestions increase the probability that at least some superior solutions will emerge. Nevertheless, studies show that when individuals work alone under similar conditions, performance tends to proceed more efficiently than it does in groups.

Under special circumstances, however, a group may solve problems more effectively than does a reason ably competent individual. Group members may contribute different (and essential) resources to a solution that no individual can readily achieve alone; such pooling of information and skills can make group achievements superior in dealing with selected problems. Sometimes social demands may require group agreement on a single alternative, as in formulating national economic or military policies under democratic governments. When only one among several alternative solutions is correct, even if a group requires more time, it has a higher probability of identifying the right one than does an individual alone.

In this passage, the author argues that thinking in groups ______.

A.is the best way to solve any problem

B.is by no means useful in problem-solving

C.may result in effective problem-solving under certain circumstances

D.will inevitably produce greater efficiency in problem solving than individual thinking

The microscope enables scientists to distinguish a(n) ______ number and variety of bacteri

The microscope enables scientists to distinguish a(n) ______ number and variety of bacteria.





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