1. reckless [ˈrekləs] adj.
adj. 鲁莽的,不计后果的,无所畏惧的
同:adj. indiscretionary, temerarious
派:recklessness n.鲁莽,轻率;不顾一切,不顾后果
recklessly adv.鲁莽地;不顾一切地
reckless意为“鲁莽的,不计后果的”,侧重于鲁莽,做事不计后果。例:He is reckless of danger to jump into river.(他不顾危险跳进河里。)
careless意为“粗心大意的,马虎的”,指做某事精力不集中而造成错误或损失。例:It was careless of me to leave the windows open.(忘记关窗,我真是太粗心了。)
absent-minded意为“心不在焉的,健忘的”,指某人由于精力不集中或健忘总是丢三落四。例:The absent-minded boy is always losing his school bag.(这个心不在焉的男孩老是弄丢他的书包。)
heedless意为“不留神的,不注意的”,指对某事掉以轻心或陷入沉思而没有注意到周围的情况,后面通常接介词of。例:She is heedless of the potential danger.(她没有注意到潜在的危险。)
例句:He is a reckless teenager.
He is reckless of danger to jump into river.
2. reclaim [rɪˈkleɪm] v.(reclaims, reclaiming, reclaimed, reclaimed)
构词:re(回,向后)+ claim(叫喊)→ 要求归还,拿回
v. 要求归还,拿回;开垦,利用(荒地);回收利用
常用搭配:reclaim sth. (from sb./sth.) 要求归还,拿回
reclaim sth. (from sth.) 开垦,利用(荒地);回收利用
同:v. exploit, carve out, protest against, exclaim at n. reconstruction, influence
派:reclaimable adj.可收回的;可教化的
reclaim意为“拿回;回收利用”,多指对废物的回收和利用。例:The reclaim of waste cells should be taken seriously.(我们应该认真对待废旧电池的回收。)
regain意为“恢复,重新获得”,指通过努力使失去的东西失而复得,重新得到某物或恢复某种状态,也可与recover互换。例:The family regained/recovered its former honor.(这个家族恢复了昔日的荣耀。)
restore意为“修复,还原”,多指修复建筑或工艺品,使其恢复原状;也可指健康或能力的恢复,恢复到以前的状态。例:Proper exercise and a light diet will help you restore your full health.(适当的运动和清淡的饮食会帮助你完全康复。)
recover意为“恢复,痊愈”,含义广泛,可以指从疾病中康复过来或某事物恢复常态,后面通常接介词from;也可指无意中找到丢失的东西;还可指恢复能力、知觉。例:The economy is at last beginning to recover after going through several lean years.(经历了几年的萧条之后,经济终于开始复苏了。)
例句:The reclaim of waste cells should be taken seriously.
The newly reclaimed land will be used for growing crops.
3. recognition [ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn] n.(recognitions)
n. 认出,识别;认可,承认;赞赏,赏识
常用搭配:recognition (that…) 认可,承认
recognition (for sth.) 赞赏,赏识
同:n. identification, discernment
派:recognize v.确认,承认;认出,识别
recognise v.承认,认可;识别
recognized v.认识;意识到
recognised v.承认;认出,辨别
recognized adj.公认的,经过验证的
recognised adj.认可的
recognizable adj.可辨认的,可承认的
recognizably adv.可被认识地,可辨别地
例句:She gained great recognition for her work.
This country are seeking international recognition as a sovereign state.
4. recognize [ˈplænɪt] v.(recognizes, recognizing, recognized, recognized)
构词:re(再,又)+ cogn(=know,知道)+ize(动词后缀)→再次知道→认出
v. 识别,认出,辨别出;承认,意识到;接受,(正式)认可,赞成;赏识,公认
常用搭配:recognize sb./sth. (by/from sth.) 识别,认出,辨别出
recognize sth. (as sth.) 承认,意识到
recognize sb./sth. (as sth.) 接受,(正式)认可,赞成
be recognized (as sth.) 赏识,公认
同:v. acknowledge, identify, know, notice, accept, believe, understand
派:recognise v.承认,认可;识别
recognized v.认识;意识到
recognised v.承认;认出,辨别
recognition n.识别, 认出;认可,承认;赞赏,赏识
recognizance n.具结;保证书;保证金
recognized adj.公认的,经过验证的
recognised adj.认可的
recognizable adj.可辨认的,可承认的
recognizably adv.可被认识地,可辨别地
recognize意为“识别,认出,辨别出”,指之前见过、听过、经历过的人或事物。例:Journey to the West is recognized as a classic work.(西游记是一部公认的经典著作。)
perceive意为“感知,察觉”,指注意到或察觉到某事。例:The nurse perceived that the patient had difficulty in breathing.(护士察觉到病人呼吸困难。)
know意为“知道,认识,了解”,指辨认出某人或某物,强调辨认、区分的能力。例:She couldn’t see who was speaking, but she knew the voice.(她看不到谁在讲话,但她能辨认出声音。)
例句:Everyone recognized how urgent the situation was.
Journey to the West is recognized as a classic work.
5. recognise [‘rekəgnaɪz] v.(recognises, recognising, recognized, recognised)
v. 认出,辨别出;承认
同:v. accept, agree, allow, identify, acknowledge
派:recognize v.确认,承认;认出,识别
recognised v.承认;认出,辨别
recognition n.识别, 认出;认可,承认;赞赏,赏识
recognised adj.认可的
recognizable adj.可辨认的,可承认的
例句:We must recognise the urgency of righting the economy.
He recognises no such thing.
6. recollect [ˌrekəˈlekt] v.(recollects, recollecting, recollected, recollected)
构词:re(再,又)+ collect(收集)→ 再次收集(以便回想起)→记起,回想起
v. 记起,回想起
同:v. remember, memorize, recall
派:recollection n.回忆;回忆起的事物
recollect意为“回忆,想起”,指在记忆中搜索并设法想起一时想不起的人或事,强调回忆的过程。例:She could no longer recollect the details of that accident.(她想不起那次事故的细节了。)
recall意为“回想起,记起”,指想方设法回想起已经遗忘的事物,比remember更加文雅。例:She could not recall what she did just now.(她想不起刚刚自己做过什么。)
remember意为“记得,记牢”,含义较广泛,多指无意识地回忆起往事或通过主观努力去记忆。例:Do you still remember my name?(你还记得我的名字吗?)
memorize意为“熟记,背熟”,指下功夫或有意识地熟记事物的细节,以便准确地记住。例:He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to church.(他研究了地图,试图记住去教堂的那条路。)
例句:I could no longer recollect what he said.
As far as I can recollect, that tall man was not there on that occasion.
7. recommend [ˌrekəˈmend] v.(recommends, recommending, recommended, recommended)
构词:re(再,又)+ com(共同,一起)+ mend(修正,修改)→ 一而再的让一起修改 → 建议,劝告
v. 推荐,介绍;建议,劝告;使受欢迎
常用搭配:recommend sb./sth. (to sb.) (for/as sth.) 推荐,介绍
recommend sb./sth. (to sb.) 使受欢迎
recommend for 推荐;由于……而称赞
同:v. endorse, put forward, suggest, advise, urge, commend
派:recommendation n.推荐,建议;推荐信
recommend意为“建议,劝告”,多指公开的提出建议或劝告。例:I recommend that the machines should be checked every year.(我建议每年应该把机器检修一次。)
propose意为“提出,建议”,多指正式的提出建议,也可表示求婚。例:He finally proposed to his girlfriend.(他终于向女友求婚了。)
suggest意为“提议,建议”,多指提出不成熟的意见或仅仅作为参考,语气教委婉。例:I suggest that we eat at restaurant.(我建议我们在餐馆吃饭吧。)
例句:I recommend that the machines should be checked every year.
This method has much to recommend it.
8. reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl] v.(reconciles, reconciling, reconciled, reconciled)
构词:re(再,又)+ con(共同,一起)+cil(召集)+e → 再次召集到一起→ 调和,使和解
v. 调和,使和谐一致;使和解,言归于好;妥协,将就
常用搭配:reconcile sth. (with sth.) 调和,使和谐一致
reconcile sb. (with sb.) 使和解,言归于好
reconcile sb./yourself (to sth.) 妥协,将就
同:v. accord, unify
派:reconciliation n.和解,调和,和谐,甘愿
reconcilable adj.不矛盾的,可和解的,可调和的
例句:It was hard for him to reconcile his career and his family.
Jack has recently been reconciled with his brother.
9. record [ˈrekɔːd , rɪˈkɔːd] v.(records, recording, recorded, recorded)/n.(records)
构词:re(回,再)+ cord(心)→ 使回到心中,再次想起→ 记录
v. 记录,记载;录(音),录(像),录制;
n. 唱片;(书面)记录,记载;(体育运动中较高或最低的)纪录
常用搭配:on record 记录在案的;公开发表的
put on record 立案;记录
criminal record [法]犯罪记录;[法]前科
(just) for the record (仅)供记录
off the record 非正式的,私下的,不得发表的
put/place sth on (the) record 公开发表(意见等)
be/go on (the) record (as saying…) 公开发表(意见等)
put/set the record straight 陈述真相;纠正误解
a matter of record 有案可查的事
同:v. register, keep track of n. disk, file, resume, disc, diary, chronicle, journal, log
派:recording v.录音,记录,录像
recording n.录音;唱片
recorder n.录音机;记录器;记录员;八孔直笛
recording adj. 记录的;记录用的
record意为“记录,唱片”,指记录在纸张、胶片或存储于计算机中的信息,方便后期查阅。例:You should record the things that you’ve bought.(你应该把你买的东西都记录下来。)
document意为“文档,文献”,指可作为证据证明某事物的文件或书籍,如法律性文件和古籍文献类的资料,也可指计算机文档。例:She produces legal documents for a law firm.(她为一家法律事务所撰写法律文件。)
file意为“档案,文件”,指关于特定的人或主题的文件,也可指计算机文件。例:No one had unhindered access to the FBI file.(没有人可以任意使用联邦调查局档案。)
例句:You should record the things that you’ve bought.
She set up a new record in the Olympic Games.
10. recover [rɪˈkʌvə(r)] v.(recovers, recovering, recovered, recovered)
v. 恢复,复原;康复,痊愈;追回,全额收回;找回,找到;赢回,重新获得
常用搭配:recover (from sth.) 恢复,复原;康复,痊愈
recover sth. (from sb./sth.) 追回,全额收回;找回,找到
同:v. restore, repair, offset, resume
派:recovery n. 复原,恢复;痊愈;重新获得
recoverer n.回收器;财产收回取得者;追索财产者
recoverable adj.可收回的;可恢复的;可补偿的
recover意为“恢复,痊愈”,含义广泛,可以指从疾病中康复过来或某事物恢复常态,后面通常接介词from;也可指无意中找到丢失的东西;还可指恢复能力、知觉。例:The economy is at last beginning to recover after going through several lean years.(经历了几年的萧条之后,经济终于开始复苏了。)
regain意为“恢复,重新获得”,指通过努力使失去的东西失而复得,重新得到某物或恢复某种状态,也可与recover互换。例:The family regained/recovered its former honor.(这个家族恢复了昔日的荣耀。)
restore意为“修复,还原”,多指修复建筑或工艺品,使其恢复原状;也可指健康或能力的恢复,恢复到以前的状态。例:Proper exercise and a light diet will help you restore your full health.(适当的运动和清淡的饮食会帮助你完全康复。)
reclaim意为“拿回;回收利用”,多指对废物的回收和利用。例:The reclaim of waste cells should be taken seriously.(我们应该认真对待废旧电池的回收。)
例句:Do you think the economy will recover in the future?
She is still no fully recovered from her operation.