

责编:刘畅 2024-10-12


Part One Cloze (15%)

Directions: Among the four choices marked A, B, C and D, you should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

The person in front of me at the drive-thru ATM obviously was having some operator difficulty as she had now partially opened her door and was hanging out, trying to complete her banking transaction. The person behind me also was _1_ some sort of distress, and was beeping his horn _2_. I was in the _3_ position of having time _4_ my hands, having had a meeting cancelled while I was en route to it. _5_ thinking, “What is she doing up there?” and, “Could he be beeping at me? What does he want me to do, ram the car in front of me to get her to hurry up?,” I just sat back and let my mind wander, grateful that the heater in my car was fully _6_ . Man, it was COLD!

A movement to my right caught my eye and I noticed a little bird hopping under some bushes. How sweet, I thought. It took a moment more before the whole scene _7_: there was bright green grass, birds, sunlight....SPRING! Honestly, my heart _8_. This little oasis had been carved out by the sunlight on the south side of the building, shielding it _9_ the snow and other wintery effects. It was nothing short of magical to me and _10_ me with a large helping of hope that, in spite of the cold and dreariness _11_ us of late, signs of better times ahead could be found.

When I got home, still buoyed by warm and happy thoughts, I looked _12_ a tree in my yard. There, on the branches, were red leaf buds. No way. Didn’t this tree know that it was 17 degrees outside? I kept looking around to see if this was a joke, or, maybe I really _13_ a couple of months along the way. I didn’t find any other examples like it, but the fact of its existence stayed with me. It stood there, almost defiantly optimistic that yes, Spring IS on its way.

I’d love to be more like that tree—able to stand _14_ through adverse conditions and still offer a promise of better days ahead. Or like that bird who found that _15_ of sunshine in an otherwise gray world. Perhaps if I could do that, I might make the path a little brighter for someone else as well. Maybe even a harried ATM user.

1. A. in B. at C. on D. against

2. A. patiently B. intolerantly C. impatiently D. kindly

3. A. rich B. costly C. expensive D. luxurious

4. A. at B. on C. for D. in

5. A. Among B. For C. Between D. Before

6. A. operated B. operational C. operating D. opera

7. A. registered B. recorded C. listed D. enlisted

8. A. beaten B. vibrated C. fluttered D. flapped

9. A. for B. against C. to D. from

10. A. confused B. infused C. fused D. refused

11. A. enveloping B. developing C. surrounding D. encircling

12. A. up with B. up to C. up at D. down upon

13. A. missed B. have missed C. was missing D. had missed

14. A. powerful B. strong C. tough D. robust

15. A. cluster B. string C. piece D. patch





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