1. 忧虑: depression
2. 显示器: monitor
3. 电子束: electron beam
4. 辐射: radiation
5. 电磁波: electromagnetic wave
6. 肌肉骨骼系统: muscle and bones
7. 腰: waist
8. 颈: neck
9. 肩: shoulders
10. 腕部等: wrist
11. 生理: physiology
12. 心理: psychology/mentality
13. 多梦: dreaminess
14. 神经衰弱: neurasthenia
15. 紧张: tension
16. 烦躁: vexation
17. 焦虑不安: anxiety
18. 身心疲惫: fatigue
19. 心理障碍: psychological disorder
20. 人格障碍: personal disorder
21. 交感神经:sympathetic nerve
22. 网络综合征: Internet syndrome
23. 兴趣丧失: loss of interest in
24. 睡眠障碍: sleep disorder
25. 生物钟紊乱: biological clock disorder
26. 食欲下降: loss of appetite
27. 体重减轻: weight lossL
28. 思维迟缓: retardation of thinking
29. 饮酒: drinking
30. 滥用药物: drug abuse
31. 自我保健: self-help
32. 身体检查: physical examination
33. 心理测定: psychological measurement
34. 营养: nutritio