

责编:王觅 2018-12-29


Part ffl Cloze (10%)

Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

It was the kind of research that gave insight into how flu strains could mutate so quickly. The same branch of research concluded in 2005 that the 1918 flu started in birds before passing to humans. Parsing this animal-human 51 could provide clues to 52 the next potential superflu, which already has a name: H5N1, also known as avian flu or bird flu.This potential killer also has a number: 59%. According to the WHO, nearly three-fifths of the people who 53 H5N1 since 2003 died from the virus, which was first reported 54 humans in Hong Kong in 1997 before a more serious 55 occurred in Southeast Asia between 2003 and 2004. (It has since spread to Africa and Europe. ) Some researchers argue that those mortality numbers are exaggerated because WHO only 56 cases in which victims are sick enough to go to the hospitals for treatment. 57 ,compare that to the worldwide mortality rate of the 1918 pandemic; it may have killed roughly 50 million people, but that was only 10% of the number of people infected, according to a 2006 estimate.

H5N15 s saving grace—and the only reason we ’ re not running around masked up in public right now—is that the strain doesn’t jump from birds to humans,or from humans to humans,easily. There have been just over 600 cases (and 359 deaths) since 2003. But 58 its lethality, and the chance it could turn into something far more transmissible, one might expect H5N1 research to be exploding, with labs

59 the virus ’ s molecular components to understand how it spreads between animals and 

60 to humans, and hoping to discover a vaccine that could head off a pandemic.

51. A. rejection B. interface C. complement D. contamination

52. A. be stopped B. stopping C. being stopped D. having stopped

53. A. mutated B. effected C. infected D. contracted

54. A. in B. on C. with D. from

55. A. trigger B. launch C. outbreak D. outcome

56. A. counts B. amounts to C. accounts for D. accumulates

57. A. Thereafter 巳. Thereby O. Furthermore D. Still

58. A. given B. regarding C. in spite of D. speaking of

59. A. parses B. parsed 0. parsing D. to parse

60. A. potently B. absolutely C. potentially D. importantly








