

责编:王觅 2018-12-25


Part ffl Cloze (10%)

Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

Video game players may get an unexpected benefit from blowing away bad guys一better vision. Playing “action” video games improves a visual ability 51 tasks like reading and driving at night, a new study says. The ability, called contrast sensitivity function, allows people to discern even subtle changes 52 gray against a uniformly colored backdrop. It5 s also one of the first visual aptitudes to fade with age. 53 a regular regimen of action video game training can provide longlasting visual power, according to work led by Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester.

Previous research shows that gaming improves other visual skills, such as the ability to track several objects at the same time and 54 attention to a series of fast-moving events. Bavelier said," a lot of different aspects of the visual system are being enhanced, 55 ."The new work suggests that playing video games could someday become part of vision-correction treatments, which currently rely mainly on surgery or corrective lenses. “ 56 you’ve had eye surgery or get corrective lenses, exposing yourself to these games should help the optical system to recover faster and better,” Bavelier said. “You need to retrain the brain to make use of the better, crisper information that’s coming in 57 your improved eyesight”.

Expert action gamers in the study played first-person shooters Unreal Tournament 2004 and Call of Duty 2. A group of experienced nonaction gamers played The Sims 2,a "life simulation” video game. The players of nonaction video games didn’ t see the same vision 58 , the study says. Bavelier and others are now trying to figure out exactly why action games 59 seem to sharpen visual skill. It may be that locating enemies and aiming accurately is a strenuous, strength-building workout for the eyes, she said another possible 60 is that the unpredictable, fast-changing environment of the typical action game requires players to constantly monitor entire landscapes and analyze optical data quickly.

51. A. crucial for B. available in C. resulting from D. ascribed to

52. A. in disguise of B. in shades of C. in search of D. in place of

53. A. This is how B. That’s why C. It is not that D. There exists

54. A. paid B. pays C. pay D. paying

55. A. though B. not to say C. not just one D. as well

56. A. Until B. While C. Unless D. Once

57. A. as opposed to B.in addition to C. as a result of D. in spite of

58. A. benefits B.defects C. approaches D. risks

59. A. in case B.in advance C. in return D. in particular

60. A. effect B. reason C. outcome D. conclusion








