

责编:王觅 2018-12-13


Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%)

Passage Two

Advances in cosmetic dentistry and plastic surgery have made it possible to correct facial birth defects ,repair damaged teeth and tissue, and prevent or greatly delay the onset of tooth decay and gum disease. As a result, more people smile more often and more openly today than ever in the past, and we can expect more smiles in the future.Evidence of the smile5 s ascent may be seen in famous paintings in museums and galleries throughout the world. The vast majority of prosperous bigwigs (要人),voluptuous nudes, or middle-class family members in formal portraits and domestic scenes appear to have their mouths firmly closed. Soldiers in battle, children at play, beggars, old people, and especially villains may have their mouths open; but their smiles are seldom attractive, and more often suggest strain or violence than joy.

Smiles convey a wide range of meanings in different eras and cultures, says art historian Angus Trumble, currently curator (馆长)of Yale University5 s Center for British Art, in his book A Brief history of the Smile. Compare, for instance, the varying impressions made by the shy dimples (酒窝)of Leonardo5 s Mona Lisa; the rosy-cheeked, mustachioed Laughing Cavalier of Frans Hals; and the “Smiley Face” logo perfected (though not invented) in 1963 by American graphic artist Harvey R. Ball.

In some non-Western cultures, Trumble notes, even a warm, open smile does not necessarily indicate pleasure or agreement. It can simply be a polite mask to cover emotions considered too rude or shocking to be openly displayed.

Subtle differences in muscle movement can convey enormous differences in emotion, from the tranquility of bronze Buddhas, to the erotic bliss of couples entwined in stone on Hindu temples, to the fierce smirk (假笑)of a guardian demon at the entrance to a Chinese tomb. Trumble expects the impact of Western medicine and mass media to further increase the pressure on people to grin broadly and laugh openly in public. “ Faint smiles are increasingly thought of in scientific and psychological circles as something that falls short of the true smile," and therefore suggest insincerity or

lack of enthusiasm, he says.

With tattooing, body piercing, and permanent cosmetics already well established as fashion trends, one can imagine tomorrow5 s beauty shops adding plastic surgeons and dentists to their staffs. These corner-store cosmeticians would offer style makeovers to reshape our lips, teeth, and jawlines to mimic the signature smile of one’s favorite celebrity.

What can you say to that except ** Have a nice day?”

66.Had it not been for cosmetic advances, as inferred from the passage, .

A.people would not have been as happy as they are today

B.the rate of facial birth defect would not have declined

C.there would not have been many more open smiles

D.we would not have seen smiling faces in public

67.According to the passage, it seems that whether there is a smile or not in the portraits or pictures is decided by.

A.one’s internal sense of the external world B.one’s identity or social position

C. one’s times of existenceD. All of the above

68.Trumble’ s study on smiles shows that.

A.an open smile can serve as a cover-up

B.the famous portraits radiate varying smiles

C.even the human muscles can arouse varying emotions

D.smiles can represent misinterpretations of different eras and cultures

69.What Trumble expects to see is.

A. the increasing tendency of broad grins and open smiles in public

B.further impact of Western medicine upon non-Western cultures

C.a wider range of meanings to be conveyed by smiles

D.more of sincerity and enthusiasm in public

70.At the end of the passage, the author implicates.

A. a fortune to come with cosmetic advancesB. an identical smile for everybody

C. future changes in life styleD. the future of smile









